Did you know the 3rd President of Somaliland was the head of Siad Barre's secret police and tortured Isaaq civillians

Dahir Riyale Kahin was the head of the NSS (National Secruity service) in Berbera up until 1990. If the secessionist movement was truly about escaping the harm done to the people of north western Somalia during the civil war why would the head of Siad's secret police manage to become president of Somaliland? Could you imagine if the Head of the Gestapo in Warsaw managed to become President of Israel after the end of the World War II. "Somalilanders" have so much smoke for their brothers from the South and East over atrocities many of them weren't even alive for much less supported but at the same time have elected the Head of the Secret Police for Siad in their second biggest city to become President. Kahin was a career politician during the Kacaan, in his 20s he served in the Somali Embassy in Djibouti, IN his 30s he served as the head of the NSS in Las Anod, and Before he reached 40 years of age he had already managed to become the head of the NSS in the third biggest city in Somalia.

I know what some might be thinking right now " So what if Kahin served in the secret police that doesn't mean he was actually involved in the Human Rights Violations" well thankfully we have eyewitness testimonies from victims about Kahin's crimes against civilians. The following passage is from Rakiya Omar, sister of Rageh Omar, and long time researcher for Human Rights Watch

Witnesses who are alive also recall Rayaale’s contribution to the war against civilians. One of the people I interviewed in Djibouti in August 1989 and who is cited in the book is Abdifatah Abdillahi Jirreh. He was only 14 at the time, but he remembered Dahir Rayaale.

One day in mid-August [1988], Dahir Rayaale, head of the NSS, came to our ice plant and took my father away. They also arrested one of the watchmen, an old man, Farah Badeh Gheedi. They were detained in the police station, accused of talking about the prospects of the SNM coming to Berbera.

Rayaale is not the only man who has held a senior political position in Somaliland whose conduct of human rights has been questioned. Many former Isaaq members of the NSS and the HANGASH, the military police that came to exert formidable power over civilians, today occupy key positions in Somaliland in the NSS, re-established in 1995, and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID). The people they tortured, interrogated and spied on, and the people whose loved ones they killed, will, one day, no doubt give their own account.

How can any Somalilander say their quest for seccesion is bassed on anything but Tribalism when you are willing to put a War Criminal who participated in the Genocide you claim forms the crux for your state's reason for existence but at the same time hate fellow Somalis who wish you nothing but the best and going as far as placing Amhara over them.

@Yami @Itsnotthateasy @mohammdov


Forza Somalia!
Dahir Riyale Kahin was the head of the NSS (National Secruity service) in Berbera up until 1990. If the secessionist movement was truly about escaping the harm done to the people of north western Somalia during the civil war why would the head of Siad's secret police manage to become president of Somaliland? Could you imagine if the Head of the Gestapo in Warsaw managed to become President of Israel after the end of the World War II. "Somalilanders" have so much smoke for their brothers from the South and East over atrocities many of them weren't even alive for much less supported but at the same time have elected the Head of the Secret Police for Siad in their second biggest city to become President. Kahin was a career politician during the Kacaan, in his 20s he served in the Somali Embassy in Djibouti, IN his 30s he served as the head of the NSS in Las Anod, and Before he reached 40 years of age he had already managed to become the head of the NSS in the third biggest city in Somalia.

I know what some might be thinking right now " So what if Kahin served in the secret police that doesn't mean he was actually involved in the Human Rights Violations" well thankfully we have eyewitness testimonies from victims about Kahin's crimes against civilians. The following passage is from Rakiya Omar, sister of Rageh Omar, and long time researcher for Human Rights Watch

How can any Somalilander say their quest for seccesion is bassed on anything but Tribalism when you are willing to put a War Criminal who participated in the Genocide you claim forms the crux for your state's reason for existence but at the same time hate fellow Somalis who wish you nothing but the best and going as far as placing Amhara over them.

@Yami @Itsnotthateasy @mohammdov
They always point out that the southerners are hypocrite for having ex-Siyad barre men like Morgan, free, but ignore their kin who worked for Siyaad, some of them stayed with him in his last years in Xamar.
They always point out that the southerners are hypocrite for having ex-Siyad barre men like Morgan, free, but ignore their kin who worked for Siyaad, some of them stayed with him in his last years in Xamar.

That fascistic Darood expansionist program is going to start in Xamar obviously. They should have cleansed themselves of it instead of crying about Somaliland's actions. That's why they can't be taken seirously and their crocodile tears and fake unity should be put on mute.
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What would you do if in the position of the SNM in 1991? Slaughter everyone? I think your faqash roots are showing.

Anyway, cut the whole thing short, your clan allied with Southern clans in a minority dictatorship (MOD) and tried to anniliate your neighbours, now in the new political order you don't have honor or status and that bugs you, well deal with it.

You could make yourselves useful and rehabilitate your image, instead you want to hold the line you've been pursuing, that's your choice again. Let's see where it goes.
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Dahir Riyale Kahin was the head of the NSS (National Secruity service) in Berbera up until 1990. If the secessionist movement was truly about escaping the harm done to the people of north western Somalia during the civil war why would the head of Siad's secret police manage to become president of Somaliland? Could you imagine if the Head of the Gestapo in Warsaw managed to become President of Israel after the end of the World War II. "Somalilanders" have so much smoke for their brothers from the South and East over atrocities many of them weren't even alive for much less supported but at the same time have elected the Head of the Secret Police for Siad in their second biggest city to become President. Kahin was a career politician during the Kacaan, in his 20s he served in the Somali Embassy in Djibouti, IN his 30s he served as the head of the NSS in Las Anod, and Before he reached 40 years of age he had already managed to become the head of the NSS in the third biggest city in Somalia.

I know what some might be thinking right now " So what if Kahin served in the secret police that doesn't mean he was actually involved in the Human Rights Violations" well thankfully we have eyewitness testimonies from victims about Kahin's crimes against civilians. The following passage is from Rakiya Omar, sister of Rageh Omar, and long time researcher for Human Rights Watch

How can any Somalilander say their quest for seccesion is bassed on anything but Tribalism when you are willing to put a War Criminal who participated in the Genocide you claim forms the crux for your state's reason for existence but at the same time hate fellow Somalis who wish you nothing but the best and going as far as placing Amhara over them.

@Yami @Itsnotthateasy @mohammdov
Stupid the ending the union wasn't about the atrocities that afweyn did to us but northern grievances towards southern politicians who always neglected us as a group called manifesto hijacked the struggle and declared themselves to be the next govt without consulting the major opposition groups and that led SNM to call for national conference for all northern communities to determine our political future and it was decided to end the failed 30 year union that has brought no progress or development in our regions.

