He continues -''You are now pronouncing takfir over he who witnesses that there is no god but god alone, and that Muhammad is his slave and messenger, and of he who performs the prayer and gives zakat and fasts during ramadan and performs pilgrimage, believing in god, his angels, books and messengers … (yet) you make them unbelievers and their lands the lands of war. So we ask you…from where have you taken this madhab?! “if your madhab is correct, then there has not been any Muslim left on the earth for the last eight hundred years except yourselves!”
And more -“He [Ibn Abdul Wahhab] does not possess one characteristic of the people of ijtihad. By Allah, indeed he does not possess one tenth! Yet he is opening his mouth and speaking a great deal of ignorance!”
Source: The Divine Lightning in Refutation of the Wahhabis (al-Sawa‘iq al-Uluhiyya fi-l-Radd ‘ala al-Wahabiyya“The entire Ummah speaks with one voice, and when this individual [MIAW] is not able to refute them with one word, he declares them all unbelievers or grossly ignorant. Allah! Guide this misguided innovator!”
MIAW has been refuted by his brother (who’s a real scholar btw) in his work ‘divine lightening’ and countless others. No need to defend this Takfiri Khariji. MIAW is a Khawarij terrorist no different from the modern terrorists we see today. He’s not a scholar.
MIAW has been refuted by his brother (who’s a real scholar btw) in his work ‘divine lightening’ and countless others. No need to defend this Takfiri Khariji. MIAW is a Khawarij terrorist no different from the modern terrorists we see today. He’s not a scholar.
@Omar del Sur
You ask the doctors for help, does that mean you’re doing shirk? No, likewise help ultimately comes from Allah and we make dua to Allah only. There’s something called Tawwasul, seeking intersession through the Prophet ﷺ which is permissible according to the four Madhabs and the scholars unanimously agreed. Imam Ahmed, Imam Nawawi, Ibn Hajar and great scholars throughout Islamic history have done this, are you going to accuse them of shirk?
That’s easy actually. Plenty of brothers have exposed this Khariji as an Ignorant fraud who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.I think I'd be better off waiting for yawmulkiyamah than waiting for you Sufis to refute Kitab at-Tawheed. I think yawmulkiyamah will come first.
yes a person who goes to graves and asks the dead for guidance or money is mushrik infidelThat’s easy actually. Plenty of brothers have exposed this Khariji as an Ignorant fraud who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Refutation of wahabism(Lord of shirk)
LORD OF SHIRK Lord of Shirk Mu-hammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi at-Tamimi Attributed Shirk towards Adam (AS) in order to prove his perverted tawhid. He said: رواه ابن أبي حاتم. وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة ق…islamtreasure.wordpress.com
Also you didn’t answer my question, MIAW considered those who practice Tawwasul to be Mushriks outside the fold of Islam (the factors in which Wahhabis claim nullify a person’s Islam p. 308)
The pious predecessors all did Tawwasul, does that make them Mushriks outside the fold of Islam?
The more Muslim groups keep pushing that horn of satan MIAW as an “Islamic” authority, the more Takfir and killings were going to see.
hey, why do you have al-Qassam front picture isn't al-Qassam Salafis and Wahabis,That’s easy actually. Plenty of brothers have exposed this Khariji as an Ignorant fraud who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Refutation of wahabism(Lord of shirk)
LORD OF SHIRK Lord of Shirk Mu-hammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi at-Tamimi Attributed Shirk towards Adam (AS) in order to prove his perverted tawhid. He said: رواه ابن أبي حاتم. وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة ق…islamtreasure.wordpress.com
Also you didn’t answer my question, MIAW considered those who practice Tawwasul to be Mushriks outside the fold of Islam (the factors in which Wahhabis claim nullify a person’s Islam p. 308)
The pious predecessors all did Tawwasul, does that make them Mushriks outside the fold of Islam?
The more Muslim groups keep pushing that horn of satan MIAW as an “Islamic” authority, the more Takfir and killings were going to see.
oh, do you know what did your so-called ottoman caliph did to Dir'iyah?That’s easy actually. Plenty of brothers have exposed this Khariji as an Ignorant fraud who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Refutation of wahabism(Lord of shirk)
LORD OF SHIRK Lord of Shirk Mu-hammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi at-Tamimi Attributed Shirk towards Adam (AS) in order to prove his perverted tawhid. He said: رواه ابن أبي حاتم. وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة ق…islamtreasure.wordpress.com
Also you didn’t answer my question, MIAW considered those who practice Tawwasul to be Mushriks outside the fold of Islam (the factors in which Wahhabis claim nullify a person’s Islam p. 308)
The pious predecessors all did Tawwasul, does that make them Mushriks outside the fold of Islam?
The more Muslim groups keep pushing that horn of satan MIAW as an “Islamic” authority, the more Takfir and killings were going to see.
That’s easy actually. Plenty of brothers have exposed this Khariji as an Ignorant fraud who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Refutation of wahabism(Lord of shirk)
LORD OF SHIRK Lord of Shirk Mu-hammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi at-Tamimi Attributed Shirk towards Adam (AS) in order to prove his perverted tawhid. He said: رواه ابن أبي حاتم. وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة ق…islamtreasure.wordpress.com
Also you didn’t answer my question, MIAW considered those who practice Tawwasul to be Mushriks outside the fold of Islam (the factors in which Wahhabis claim nullify a person’s Islam p. 308)
The pious predecessors all did Tawwasul, does that make them Mushriks outside the fold of Islam?
The more Muslim groups keep pushing that horn of satan MIAW as an “Islamic” authority, the more Takfir and killings were going to see.
You're accusing the whole ummah and all four Madhabs of being "Mushriks." Tawwasul is legitimate according to the four madhabs and the 3 pious generations.yes a person who goes to graves and asks the dead for guidance or money is mushrik infidel
and when did sahaba did then?
The Ottomans are not perfect and nobody condones their faults but they were a legitimate Islamic Khilafah. They fought the Khawarij Wahhabis and defeated them, May Allah reward the Ottomans for killing the Khawarij. The Wahhabis were massacring and violently raiding everyone in the Arabian peninsula, the Ottomans had to do what needed to be done, they defeated and destroyed their Khawarij state.oh, do you know what did your so-called ottoman caliph did to Dir'iyah?
he sent Muhammed Ali with his mercenaries and start a massacre and he burned mosques in nejd.
and Subhan Allah he is the same man who kicks the ass of the ottoman and chase them to Constantinople and took Egypt from them and the ottoman whole navy joins him against the so-called caliphate of ottomans.