Do Arab Bootylickers realize they wouldn't have the same rights in an Islamic State

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One salafi guy told me, we need sharia and what not; I said what makes you think you will get equal rights as an Arab under sharia state when the caliph himself has to be an arab and sayyid from prophet mohammed saw family.
One salafi guy told me, we need sharia and what not; I said what makes you think you will get equal rights as an Arab under sharia state when the caliph himself has to be an arab and sayyid from prophet mohammed saw family.
Bring forth your proof that this is the manner in which the caliph is appointed.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
One salafi guy told me, we need sharia and what not; I said what makes you think you will get equal rights as an Arab under sharia state when the caliph himself has to be an arab and sayyid from prophet mohammed saw family.

“Abu Malik al-Ash'ari narrated Allah’s Messenger (SAW) who said: Among my people there are four characteristics belonging to pre-Islamic time of ignorance which they do not abandon: boasting of high rank, reviling other peoples’ genealogies, seeking rain by stars, and walling. He also said: If the wailing woman does not repent before she dies, she’ll be made to stand on the Day of Resurrection wearing a garment of pitch and a chemise of mange.”

(Sahih Muslim, #934).

“Narated By Abu Huraira : A black man or a black woman used to sweep the mosque and he or she died. The Prophet asked about her (or him). He was told that she (or he) had died. He said, ”Why did you not inform me? Show me his grave (or her grave).“ So he went to her (his) grave and offered her (his) funeral prayer.”

(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 448)

And finally, to end it -

Edward Wilmot Blyden, himself a black man and former slave, wrote in 1874:

The eloquent Adzan or Call to Prayer, which to this day summons at the same hours millions of the human race to their devotions, was first uttered by a Negro, Bilal by name, whom Mohammed, in obedience to a dream, appointed the first Muezzin or Crier. And it has been remarked that even Alexander the Great is in Asia an unknown personage by the side of this honoured Negro.

(Mohammedanism and the Negro Race)

May Allah(swa) guide both Muslims and Non-Muslims who still harbour racial feelings or hatred against one another.

Islam is perfect but Muslims ain't.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
reported: Abu Dharr reproached Bilal about his mother, saying, “O son of a black woman!” Bilal went to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he told him what he said. The Prophet became angry and then Abu Dharr came, although he was unaware of what Bilal told him. The Prophet turned away from him and Abu Dharr asked, “O Messenger of Allah, have you turned away because of something you have been told?” The Prophet said, “Have you reproached Bilal about his mother? By the one who revealed the Book to Muhammad, none is more virtuous over another except by righteous deeds. You have none but an insignificant amount.”

Source: Shu’b al-Iman 4760
One salafi guy told me, we need sharia and what not; I said what makes you think you will get equal rights as an Arab under sharia state when the caliph himself has to be an arab and sayyid from prophet mohammed saw family.

The Ottoman Sultans where the caliph for centuries.

This legend, may Allah SWT have mercy on him was the one who Conquered Constantinople and made one of the Prophet Mohammed SAW predictions a reality.


1st Caliph


2nd Caliph


3rd Caliph


4th Caliph

One salafi guy told me, we need sharia and what not; I said what makes you think you will get equal rights as an Arab under sharia state when the caliph himself has to be an arab and sayyid from prophet mohammed saw family.
1. A caliph DOES NOT have to be an Arab but Arabs want to preserve the title for themselves.
2. If you cannot have equal rights under a so called "sharia" IT IS NOT islamic!
3. Today's attempts to set up a caliph is more about Arab politics than religion.
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