Do Shia worship Ali?


I started my own security company Cerberus.
All of these look like holy Chriatian style Jesus figure. They even have a sing "Ya Ali".

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Shia’s are of many sects. Some of them are Kaffir and some of them are not. The majority of Shia’s to my understanding belong to the Ithna Ashari (Twelver Shia) sect which is followed in Iran. Twelver Shia’s believe in 12 Imam’s and the last one is the Mahdi hiding in a cave waiting to return when the time is right. Many Twelver Shia’s insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ).

^ I wouldn’t call the average Twelver a Kaffir, they are misguided Jaahils but their scholars are all Kaffir.

There are the Zaidi Shia’s who are very close to the Sunnis. They don’t insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) or takfir them, apparently they believe in the higher status of Ali, that’s all.

There are other one’s I’m not gonna mention. Either way, Shi’ism especially the Rafidhi type is a cancer in the Muslim world and Sunnis should be wary of this ideology. Iran is hellbent on destabilizing the Middle East (and other Sunni countries to make a leeway for their blasphemous beliefs. May Allah protect us all from this fitna and may Allah guide them to the true understanding of Islam.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Shia’s are of many sects. Some of them are Kaffir and some of them are not. The majority of Shia’s to my understanding belong to the Ithna Ashari (Twelver Shia) sect which is followed in Iran. Twelver Shia’s believe in 12 Imam’s and the last one is the Mahdi hiding in a cave waiting to return when the time is right. Many Twelver Shia’s insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ).

^ I wouldn’t call the average Twelver a Kaffir, they are misguided Jaahils but their scholars are all Kaffir.

There are the Zaidi Shia’s who are very close to the Sunnis. They don’t insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) or takfir them, apparently they believe in the higher status of Ali, that’s all.

There are other one’s I’m not gonna mention. Either way, Shi’ism especially the Rafidhi type is a cancer in the Muslim world and Sunnis should be wary of this ideology. Iran is hellbent on destabilizing the Middle East (and other Sunni countries to make a leeway for their blasphemous beliefs. May Allah protect us all from this fitna and may Allah guide them to the true understanding of Islam.
Hiding in a cave? But how is he alive all these thousands of years?