Do ur family fought during the Ogaden War


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
half of my family fought, my uncle, my dad, and i feel bad when i see a somali from Ethiopia wearing Ethiopian bracelets.
Yes, every single one, my father, my abtis and adeers. I think literally every single Somali male wanted to fight. Somalinimo was at it's peak.

Reminder that Ethiopia used to bomb Cabdulqaadir, Gaalkacyo, Caabudwaaq etc at will way before we even started a war with them, Somalis used to also hear how Ethiopia was starving Somalis in Ogaden through the radio, and it was confirmed through a BBC report that Mengistu was not giving rations of food to Somalis in 1973-1974. So many died. There are many reasons people tend to overlook