Do you avoid people you like?

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Is it weird that I don't want to be seen or heard by someone I like? If I see them in a shop, I will leave the shop. I will change streets so I don't have to walk past the person. If they talk to me I will just make it short, and poof run off.


Is it weird that I don't want to be seen or heard by someone I like? If I see them in a shop, I will leave the shop. I will change streets so I don't have to walk past the person. If they talk to me I will just make it short, and poof run off.
Wallahi you're a genius...
You made me realize something.
That doesn't make sense unless you are ashamed of your sexuality or ashamed of the person that you have a crush on.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
No I don't avoid them, I act like they don't exist. Make them question themselves if I notice them or not.

Is it weird that I don't want to be seen or heard by someone I like? If I see them in a shop, I will leave the shop. I will change streets so I don't have to walk past the person. If they talk to me I will just make it short, and poof run off.

Lol no it's not weird. I know exactly the feeling. I think maybe it's because I get shy and nervous :manny: idk.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Is it weird that I don't want to be seen or heard by someone I like? If I see them in a shop, I will leave the shop. I will change streets so I don't have to walk past the person. If they talk to me I will just make it short, and poof run off.

Maybe youre nervous or you got a crush :cosbyhmm:


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I get the same feeling with everyone, I'm kinda socially awkward when I'm with my parents or out and about. I don't like mixing my social life with my private life.


Is it weird that I don't want to be seen or heard by someone I like? If I see them in a shop, I will leave the shop. I will change streets so I don't have to walk past the person. If they talk to me I will just make it short, and poof run off.

I take it you're an introvert who hates small talk.


cismaan maxamuud
I used to be soo outgoing but lately i have noticed that i dont like interacting with new people which i havent established a solid relationship with.


The person is avoiding you because they're just not into you. im sorry.
Nah. I usually know when a person doesn't want anything to do with you. But this particular person is just so awkward and shy she cant even look me in the eye when shes telling me something. What youre saying is exactly what i thought but she just keeps glancing at me and when i talk to her she just shuts down, its almost annoying.
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