Do you believe in the existence of aliens 👽🤔


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
All of the characteristics of aliens are also shared by jinns. Alien abduction? We have jinn abduction. Shapeshifting? Jinns can shapeshift etc….


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Yesss. It makes no sense for non to exist other than ourselves in this unfathomable space
But what's the liklihood of these beings finding us? And islamically it sounds ridiculous. However i do believe there are aliens I don't think they've visited us or will visit us.
But what's the liklihood of these beings finding us? And islamically it sounds ridiculous. However i do believe there are aliens I don't think they've visited us or will visit us.
سورة النحل آية ٨ : وَيَخْلُقُ مَا لا تَعْلَمُونَ trl: "he creates what you do not know of"

No prophecy of these beings finding us so it's not meant to happen I guess.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
سورة النحل آية ٨ : وَيَخْلُقُ مَا لا تَعْلَمُونَ trl: "he creates what you do not know of"

No prophecy of these beings finding us so it's not meant to happen I guess.
Imagine if you could ask Allah in jannah to see these others beings....., or better yet, go see them....
100% aliens exist. Our universe which seems massive to us is like a drop in the desert. Allah's creation is not something we can comprehend the scale.

Internet Nomad

im Agnostic on the position but i do wish Alien life to be real the universe is so vast i think its a waste for it to be only to be inhabited by us.

There is so many habitable planets that we will never reach so for it just to be wasted is sad.
I dont operate with the assumption that I live in the (Hobbes) materialist world. So of course, they can only be Jins.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
No I only believe in God.

if you know that President Ronald Regan said the world needs something like an alien invasion to come together, it seems plausible to me how western governments especially the US are propagating this agenda for their own political purposes
Aliens are Jinns. I was disappointed when I found out about this years ago and read Jacques Vallee's book Dimensions (highly recommend it). We have been socially conditioned by great sci-fi like Star Wars and Star Trek and various games/books, and we often wish that the universe would be like that, with various planets and different biological extraterrestrial beings. But that's not the case here.

These beings are masquerading as extraterrestrials, pretending to be biological entities from other planets for manipulative reasons. Vallee and other UFO researchers concluded that these beings are playing a game with us, they are not what they appear to be. What we're dealing with is an intelligence that has been active throughout human history and seems to masquerade in various forms. Now that we're in the space age, the phenomenon is presenting itself as beings from other planets and technology, we see spaceships and extraterrestrials visiting us

In the 1950s to 1970s, the popular theory was that these beings were extraterrestrials, which gave rise to popular films like Star Wars and Star Trek. But there were two individuals at that time who were ahead of everyone else, who studied this phenomenon. They argued that these phenomena have always been here for millennia, the same beings that were called fairies in European folklore and Jinn in Islamic and Arabic folklore. These individuals were John Keel and Jacques Vallee. Their theory was not popular at the time, but it became quite popular in the 1990s and is widely accepted today. Every ufology researcher today considers their views. Many researchers started with the extraterrestrial theory but eventually moved toward the interdimensional theory. These beings are interdimensional and they're coming from another dimensional/frequency beyond the observable EM spectrum

Watch this 1:45 minute clip with Jim Semivan. He calls them Jinns/Fae/Fairies. He also mentioned before that most people he knows within the US government don’t believe this is extraterrestrial (beings from other planets) at all, but that they’re interdimensional.

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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Aliens are Jinns. I was disappointed when I found out about this years ago and read Jacques Vallee's book Dimensions (highly recommend it). We have been socially conditioned by great sci-fi like Star Wars and Star Trek and various games/books, and we often wish that the universe would be like that, with various planets and different biological extraterrestrial beings. But that's not the case here.

These beings are masquerading as extraterrestrials, pretending to be biological entities from other planets for manipulative reasons. Vallee and other UFO researchers concluded that these beings are playing a game with us, they are not what they appear to be. What we're dealing with is an intelligence that has been active throughout human history and seems to masquerade in various forms. Now that we're in the space age, the phenomenon is presenting itself as beings from other planets and technology, we see spaceships and extraterrestrials visiting us

In the 1950s to 1970s, the popular theory was that these beings were extraterrestrials, which gave rise to popular films like Star Wars and Star Trek. But there were two individuals at that time who were ahead of everyone else, who studied this phenomenon. They argued that these phenomena have always been here for millennia, the same beings that were called fairies in European folklore and Jinn in Islamic and Arabic folklore. These individuals were John Keel and Jacques Vallee. Their theory was not popular at the time, but it became quite popular in the 1990s and is widely accepted today. Every ufology researcher today considers their views. Many researchers started with the extraterrestrial theory but eventually moved toward the interdimensional theory. These beings are interdimensional and they're coming from another dimensional/frequency beyond the observable EM spectrum

Watch this 1:45 minute clip with Jim Semivan. He calls them Jinns/Fae/Fairies. He also mentioned before that most people he knows within the US government don’t believe this is extraterrestrial (beings from other planets) at all, but that they’re interdimensional.

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I know this shouldn't be my only take away from this but that drawing doesn't seem terrifying. I was expecting something crazy