Do you guys enjoy bad news about Somalis?

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I can't come on here without seeing loads of threads entailing fucked up stories/videos about Somalis. Seems like some of you get a kick our of it.

Is good news about Somalis boring to you?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Shock value!

It's pretty sad tbh. That video of the poor mentally unstable Somali girl having sex in a building did for me. Then everyone will have a circle jerk about how fucked up Somalis are. It's like some people get enjoyment out of it.
Something I noticed about Arabs and some of their somali worshipers is they love using the word fadeexad which is an arabic word فضيحة the usage of this word is quite identical in arabic you'll find the same fucked up stories online you would think these cabeed inhirted that from carabs
I can't come on here without seeing loads of threads entailing fucked up stories/videos about Somalis. Seems like some of you get a kick our of it.

Is good news about Somalis boring to you?
My guest is the one who brings those links suffer sort of public shaming in their community or family, which made feel good about posting those links, like not you only there are others too. Make feel better


closer to god we africans
y do ppl watch wshh

think of it as somali wshh

wat i dont understand is the same ppl would laugh at a white girl in that same situation but a somali girl was tken advantage of or abused (bcause she couldnt possibly make the decision to drink nd f*ck in public on her own:rolleyes: y ? bcause shed a hijabi FOB:rolleyes:)
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