do you guys have relatives who are extremely organized but also have relatives who are very messy and prone to addictions?

my uncle never got a bad grade from school and he became a doctor very seemlessly while having an active family life. but my father is very unorganized and messy and has to drink like 10 cups of coffee to even get out the house. and i also have a grandfather who never worked or took care of cattle in his life and has like 5 children. anyone here had these situations?


Sidii roon Raba og
Yes, every family has it. In my family we have 2 groups.

The hard working intelligent lay back crew. They're well organized, clean freaks and their time management is topnotch👌 they are also very generous when it comes to helping the family.

Then we have the second group. The I'm tired, always whining, very messy, lazy crew. This group mostly work part time. They're usually don't bother me I pay my bills.
Yes, every family has it. In my family we have 2 groups.

The hard working intelligent lay back crew. They're well organized, clean freaks and their time management is topnotch👌 they are also very generous when it comes to helping the family.

Then we have the second group. The I'm tired, always winning, very messy, lazy crew. This group mostly work part time. They're usually don't bother me I pay my bills.
Sadly I embody both tendencies. The winner of the battle is who people see.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
A lot of my younger cousins have been serving 20 year sentences at federal prison across the country but other than that my relatives are pretty straight
I tend to follow directions and calendar without these rules for myself I'm lost. For instance I make my calendar start from Sunday to Friday and Saturday off. I once miss one Sunday and not created a calendar that whole week I felt like was chased and lost for directions. I don't know how people live a life of chill and not using a calendar.