Do you remember your very first friend? Who's not related to you!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I'm in contact with my very first friend I ever made. I was around 4 years old. He used to visit his uncle who lived 3 houses from us. His name is Jacob. He moved to New York after high school. We went to Elemantry together also. But they moved to a different city in 5th grade. We text and talk on the phone.

Do you remember and keep in touch with your very first friend?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I lost contact with him ages ago but my first friend was this white kid named Oscar he was crazy one min he could be eating worms and The next hed give me half of his videogames

His mother died so it was only him and his dad but his dad was never home cause he worked all The time

It was pretty Nice going to his place since he was home alone and he always had his room stacked with Candy like 2 kg but he could only eat on Saturdays


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
a somali kid in my kg class who also lived in my building who i did everything with. he had a twin sister i was friends with as well. also these 2 sisters who were family friends but they were way older than me


I don't remember tbh :browtf:but the homies I grew up at a young age are mostly in Garowe.


Move right or get left
I remember a swahili friend. He had 6 fingers on one hand but I've not seen him since I was like 5.
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