Do you think AS is responsible for the recent bombings?

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1.) AS dont care about collateral damage but they don't target places like city centers usually (places of maximum civilian casualties) they mostly target gov hotspots and projects, hotels, schools, government official's cars

2.) Amisom are known for blowing up large vehicles like they have done in the past, and they have killed civilian farmers multiple times like in the last explosion, and they have better weapons
3.) Farmajo wanted to slowly get rid of them and build the SNA and the job is an easy pay for them giving them motive


Intellectual saqajaan
I don't know if this is true but I heard about conspiracy theories saying SL is behind it, indirectly. They would have motive to do it and I wouldn't put anything past politicians.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
CIA behind it. Every time a bomb explodes it sets the country back a week and we all know who benefits from that. AS is a distraction
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