Documentary on Somali Alcoholism (From Minnesota STV)

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Are Somalis that much into alcohol these days? I always thought that @AbdiJohnson was trolling and Somalis were just into their qat and not into biyaha kulul.
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Here is mainly done by older guys they hide it thoe so you rarely ever see it:kanyeshrug:
Is not as wide spread as the video is trying to paint:kanyeshrug:
Ohh also you can find young bum guys who hang around cedar occasionally carrying
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Alcohol is like water over here for Somalis.

60 year of Somali men drink. there is a 50 something year old Somali woman here who does crack
Here is mainly done by older guys they hide it thoe so you rarely ever see it:kanyeshrug:
Is not as wide spread as the video is trying to paint:kanyeshrug:
Ohh also you can find young bum guys who hang around cedar occasionally carrying

I've seen so many old Somali men carry those disguised bottles.


Heads high
What was the point of duuqsi if not to curb this degeneracy? :jcoleno:

Dugsi doesn''t cure PTSD and Depression. Plus there is things you can't control or blame on anyone else like peer pressure that causes this.

Good luck to these people.
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