Does it matter where I study for university?

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Let's say I study somewhere out
of the west , for example Turkey. Then I study master and then come to the west or Europe for work, will I have a hard time finding a job due to the fact that I have a degree from outside europe or the west and that people who studied in the west are preferred over others who studied abroad Europe?

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yes it will matter and if you can get your degree in the west, go and do so. Western degrees are more respected in the 3rd world and getting a job in your field back in the west after you have finished a degree outside of the west is quite difficult unless you studied in places like Japan or Israel.
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Keep the institution you went to off your resume if you went to some non Western school. If HR asks for it during the references/education verification process, then you give it to them.

HR doesn't care where you went to school but hiring managers will so don't tell them before you're hired.

But you're better off going to school in the West
It all depends on my father. It is not cheap studying in UK or US. So I though why not Norway? I am norwegian. But the problem is I would have to take one year break after school because I would have to prove my norwegian proficiency and I don't have the time for that at the moment.And I think my father doesn't like the idea of me studying in Norway.My father have me two options, either UK or Turkey. But I want to take Turkey out of the list. I dont think my father has the money for UK so I think he Will probably say Turkey, which I don't want. I am not sure what to do now.I think the best Will be for me to go to Norway but I have this feeling that my Father won't allow.
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