Does the term 'Sub Saharan' makes sense?

This term is commonly used to describe Africans outside of North Africans and it makes no sense in my opinion. You hear this constant notion and people regurgitating on and on about 'Africa being so diverse' yet just casually group a large portion of a continent as if were the size of Iceland
Senegal is closer to Canada and the US then it is to Somalia. The issue could be that many underestimate the sheer size of Africa since it looks disproportional on the world map but it's ridiculous how people respect the diversity and distinctiveness of Europe yet the same isn't translated for Africa.

Some sources say it was first used to highlight the economic disparity between the North and the rest of the continent; regardless it has no foundation in history or anthropology
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I think it also has some racist tones in it where North Africans are separated from the rest because of not having the same skin tones as the "Sub-Saharan" regions
Africans should take pride in being separated from Northern Africa, develop the rest of Africa, and then call the North, disparagingly, "Sahara Africans" or, better yet, if you want to get under their skin "Arabs".

Proud Somali, Proud Sub-Saharan Africa. My ancestors had the good sense of leaving that place thousands of years ago.
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Prima Hablood
Im a proud Somali


