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Bro, no Somalis are too proud to be bootyclapping for whites, but that's wishful thinking. Just browsing through these online forums and looking at faaraxs/xaliimo diaspora community...:eminemdamn:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Everytime I watch that clip madaxa aan qabsada.


I bet @AbdiJohnson would teach his kids that the white doll is the good one cos it has western values.
i blame television programing in the west for the childrens views points.
the kids see adverts which have white people in it, tv drama shows with white people in it, tv films with white people in it, their cartoons have white people in them. their parents take them to the cinemas to watch a new movie and it has white people in it. imagine if growing and seeing a white person on tv/cinema and they are the super hero, the employer, the teacher, the cartoon character hero, the million air, the larger than life character. just think of how this affects a african american child. ofcourse its not a intentional its just the usa is a white country and they are just catering to their population, this is the same in all white countries on the planet.

Queen Carawelo

As an East African (Somali) this does not concern me. I'm not black.
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