Don’t stress yourself Part 1

This is an excerpt from one of Tariq Masood’s speeches. Its translated more or less meaning.

When I say don’t stress yourself, that doesn’t mean one will never get stressed. There is no individual in this world with whom all things are going according to how he planned. No one in this world fulfills all that they desire. This is impossible that whatever you desire it happens.

Today person in position of authority then tomorrow comes where they are in jail. This happens. So not all of your desires are going to be fulfilled here. What then is the solution?

Should you then fulfill everyone of your desires? That is impossible. Wouldn’t it be better if you compromise? What do you think?

(#1) Firstly one should prevent themselves to fall into difficult situation. Don’t put yourself into a predicament. Having (unnecessary) friendships with opposite gender this will increase stress not decrease. This is reality. One is doing drugs, his social activities are with other drug users. Doing drugs will not decrease stress rather increase it. When he is not able to have drugs, wouldn’t this individual not get anxious!

You are person with modest means but you choose to live in an affluent area. This will increase stress and make person victim of having inferior complex. Look he has a fancy car while I only possess this. Rather you should have lived in an area where everyone is driving similar car as yourself. I witness people living in an affluent area who live with anxiety. They own mansion and earning millions. Why then are they stressed? Because neighbor is making more. These stresses are not from God rather they are self inflicted.



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