Don't give birth on your back

Here is a useful study to read;

Healthy Birth Practice #5: Avoid Giving Birth on Your Back and Follow Your Body’s Urge to Push:

Modern-medicine, forcing women to give birth on their backs, is to make life easier for the male doctors that invented this practice. In reality, women should trust their body's urge to push the baby out in the positions that are more comfortable.

Read this link, and do a lot of research.

Besides being vulnerable, as a host of strangers look at your vagina, as you lay spread-eagled on a bed (disgusting).

It's not only more painful, it's more difficult and causes complications.

Giving birth on your back usually makes labour MORE PAINFUL!
This reason is enough for it to never recommended but let’s carry on…

  • When you’re lying on your back, you’re quite literally pushing uphill. The birth canal curves upwards when you lie down, so you’re going against gravity.
  • Birthing on your back can make labour last longer because the body has to work much harder to eject the baby.
  • Being on your back reduces the pelvic opening by up to 30% compared to other positions such as standing or squatting.
  • Birthing in this position increases your risk of experiencing an assisted or medicalised birth.
  • Laying on the back constricts blood vessels, meaning baby and mother won’t receive the optimum levels of blood & oxygen.
  • If baby is in a non-optimal position (such as posterior), then the baby is less likely to shift into a better position while mama is on her ba
giving birth on your back all started bc some king wanted to see the process :mjlol:even though it literally prolongs it and = more pain
giving birth on your back all started bc some king wanted to see the process :mjlol:even though it literally prolongs it and = more pain

I had no clue, but that's not surprising, what a shame.

I really want to know how Somali women give birth back home, because I have a strong suspicion that it's not just laying on the back. Especially if there are no male doctors involved.
Nobody's natural inclination to push something out of their body, is to lay on their back. If you use other positions, such as squatting, you have gravity on your side.

They have a word of caution, so do your research

No birth technique is right for every person or every birth situation. Squatting is generally preferable for the latter stages of labor rather than at the beginning. In some cases, the baby's position is not optimal for squatting. For instance, squatting may not be possible as it may prevent fetal monitoring and assessment of adequate contractions.

Likewise, if you have an epidural, squatting can be unsafe—or even impossible. With the proper equipment and planning, however, a modified squat from a seated position may still be an option.

Labor and birth involve physical movement. Squatting is one strategy to encourage natural labor and birth. Ultimately, heed your provider's advice to keep you and your baby safe throughout labor and delivery.
Here is a useful study to read;

Healthy Birth Practice #5: Avoid Giving Birth on Your Back and Follow Your Body’s Urge to Push:

Modern-medicine, forcing women to give birth on their backs, is to make life easier for the male doctors that invented this practice. In reality, women should trust their body's urge to push the baby out in the positions that are more comfortable.

Read this link, and do a lot of research.

Pretty sure I shared this last year but glad xaliimos are becoming more aware

