Why is it the so-called west shames other people's cultures when theirs is the worst of all. For example
gudniinka dumarka, which I do not support and I will fight to abolish it. They called it Female Genital Mutilation. Everyone cries...oh those Muslim savages, they are mutilating their women... subhumans blah blah blah. We even have the bootyclappers regurgitating the same diarrhea in the social media .
They are the ones doing the mutilation here. they are changing the boys to girls and girls to boys, they called it Sex reassignment surgery..beautiful huh .
It's just propaganda to shift the focus from them to others and its working. I don't see bootyclappers going apeshit about it in fact some of them support it.
Watch this lady tell the truth https://www.mrctv.org/embed/140882
gudniinka dumarka, which I do not support and I will fight to abolish it. They called it Female Genital Mutilation. Everyone cries...oh those Muslim savages, they are mutilating their women... subhumans blah blah blah. We even have the bootyclappers regurgitating the same diarrhea in the social media .
They are the ones doing the mutilation here. they are changing the boys to girls and girls to boys, they called it Sex reassignment surgery..beautiful huh .
It's just propaganda to shift the focus from them to others and its working. I don't see bootyclappers going apeshit about it in fact some of them support it.
Watch this lady tell the truth https://www.mrctv.org/embed/140882