DP World completes key Somaliland water project work

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Dubai-based marine terminal operator DP World said work on its $1-million Somaliland Water Project is progressing as per schedule.

"The project, which began last year, will see the development of four water wells, two shallow pools, two water troughs, a concrete reservoir tank and 7-km-long pipeline connected to the main water supply.

The project, powered by a hybrid solar system and a main generator, also includes the construction of a mosque near the water distribution center. It is aimed at increasing the water supply in Berbera by 60 per cent."

MashaAllah dalku hore soconaysa

"Since 2017 DP World have improved Berbera Port’s performance by 70% and increased the port capacity by 50 per cent. Currently, DP World Berbera is developing local talents and has trained over 2700 Somalilanders in 2018 locally and overseas"
@Mercury kaalay, waxaad tidhi SL biyo la'aan ba haysa. This From part of deal with Somaliland Government & DP world. Same deal Somaliya wants blocked. Alxamdulilah ilaahay xaasidnimo majecla wuuna waafajiyey mashruuca biyo fidinta Berbera

That's Burco, Berbera, Boorama and much of hargeysa with clean constant running tap water. Hada laascaanood pipes waa in lagadhiso iyo ta hargeysa already wala sii balaadhanaya sidumagaalada oodhan gaadho.

Wax walba waqti buqaata. Weliba hadaad aduunka kaxidhantahay iyo kuwi quflad lagugu xidhay yihiin xaasidiin iyo munaafiqiin


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@Mercury kaalay, waxaad tidhi SL biyo la'aan ba haysa. This From part of deal with Somaliland Government & DP world. Same deal Somaliya wants blocked. Alxamdulilah ilaahay xaasidnimo majecla wuuna waafajiyey mashruuca biyo fidinta Berbera

That's Burco, Berbera, Boorama and much of hargeysa with clean constant running tap water. Hada laascaanood pipes waa in lagadhiso iyo ta hargeysa already wala sii balaadhanaya sidumagaalada oodhan gaadho.

Wax walba waqti buqaata. Weliba hadaad aduunka kaxidhantahay iyo kuwi quflad lagugu xidhay yihiin xaasidiin iyo munaafiqiin
Youre saying ilaahay xaasidinimo ma jecla yet you dont want to work with the south


if SL was properly compensated for the military base you could do 50 of these yourselves. Instead they give you 5 mill/year with measly 1 mill projects like these


if SL was properly compensated for the military base you could do 50 of these yourselves. Instead they give you 5 mill/years with measly 1 mill projects like these
There’s much more than 5million being spent .

What did the uae base achieve ?:
- UAE showed the world SL is independent and any country can work directly with SL as Somalia has control over our country .

-UAE will Train SL Army/Naval forces , give us expensive equipment.

-UK plans to build naval base in SL

-Other countries will cooperate with SL like Saudi Arabia .

Why do you always leave facts out ?
if SL was properly compensated for the military base you could do 50 of these yourselves. Instead they give you 5 mill/year with measly 1 mill projects like these
It's sad seeing my fellow landers celebrate deals like this. What kind of government needs foreigners for a mere 1 million investment? It should have been done by us, decades ago.

UAE are laughing at us.
if SL was properly compensated for the military base you could do 50 of these yourselves. Instead they give you 5 mill/year with measly 1 mill projects like these

Anagu ma ictiraafsani. Xita tan yar oo ilaahay ino wafajiyay baa Somaliya isku hor istaagtay. As long as we're tide by leg to peoples like this we get short end of sticks & countries and businesses knew this.

Takale, DP world wax badan bay maalgelisay, xitaa abaarta marku naga dhacay they help big time. Alxamdulilah they pulling weight big times


There’s much more than 5million being spent .

What did the uae base achieve ?:
- UAE showed the world SL is independent and any country can work directly with SL as Somalia has control over our country .

-UAE will Train SL Army/Naval forces , give us expensive equipment.

-UK plans to build naval base in SL

-Other countries will cooperate with SL like Saudi Arabia .

Why do you always leave facts out ?

You're right that it did show villa somalia is powerless in sland but that's it. This relationship isn't a mutually beneficial one.

Bases in the region are going for 70/100 mill, an unrecognized country should've been able to fetch at least 40 mill per year. If the concession is 30 years that would've totaled 1.2 bill instead of 5 mill/ year(180 mill in total) and the alleged corridor( ~200 mill)

If you aren't going to receive 820 mill in training and weapons, which is highly unlikely, you've been bamboozled and robbed, sxb
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