Drought in Somaliland results in people dying of thirst

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AUN. @UncleMenace why don't you open a gofundme account
for water wells? Since it is clear there is no government in Sland.

In the districts of Huluul and Garadag.

Dhimashada Hal Ruux oo Haraad u geeriyooday iyo Boqolaal Qoys oo Xoolihii Markii ay ka Dhamaadeen.

DAAWO Xaalada Murugada Leh ee Abaarta Ka Jirta Deegaanka Huluul Fadhigaab , Gumbur Dhooble iyo Goradhgo oo Meel Xun maraysa + Dhimashada Hal Ruux oo Haraad u geeriyooday iyo Boqolaal Qoys oo Xoolihii Markii ay ka Dhamaadeen Nafta Kula Soo Eertay Goobaha Ceelashu Ka Dhow yihiin .


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Apti I've created so many Gofundme accounts this year that I fear I might be accused


AUN. @UncleMenace why don't you open a gofundme account
for water wells? Since it is clear there is no government in Sland.

In the districts of Huluul and Garadag.

Dhimashada Hal Ruux oo Haraad u geeriyooday iyo Boqolaal Qoys oo Xoolihii Markii ay ka Dhamaadeen.

DAAWO Xaalada Murugada Leh ee Abaarta Ka Jirta Deegaanka Huluul Fadhigaab , Gumbur Dhooble iyo Goradhgo oo Meel Xun maraysa + Dhimashada Hal Ruux oo Haraad u geeriyooday iyo Boqolaal Qoys oo Xoolihii Markii ay ka Dhamaadeen Nafta Kula Soo Eertay Goobaha Ceelashu Ka Dhow yihiin .


You have such unusual hatred for HJ, this means you are not a real HY period. I never seen you defend Isaaq against darood. :cosbyhmm:

Somaliland are doing fine, we had many aid and support for other districts across Somaliland. Gabiley region has taken tons of animals from odweyne and other districts and protecting them while the area becomes good again so the animals can be returned. :denzelnigga:

Plus silyaano is miskeen, i've met him and trust me he's a good guy, just because he comes from a clan that is different from yours doesn't mean you can hate him you piece of shit.

Why don't you f*ck off about somaliland politics, my dad and many people from Saad Musse clan funded a fund raise for all somali's who are suffering across Somaliland and this have been supported heavily by SL government.

So yes there is a government not to mention silyaano time we've had a stronger army and our economy increased.

So therefore we have a government, you HY ain't making noise in SL so stop crying. :draketf:

When Musse biix gets into power, SL will flourish even better since they are successful than other somali states. :fantasia2:

Now pipe down, marry a HJ wife and move on. Becuase end of the day we are all Isaaq came from same blood and family.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Who were majority of the people who donated to your causes. Somalis or white people?

They were all Somalis.
I raised $5k

They were Somalis bc it was a group of Somalis on Fb. A discussion group, a private group. They helped me a lot.

I also harassed Somali social media big names to post it on their wall for me. Some were xaasids who claim to be all about Somalis but are opportunistic in real life.

That Hodan Naleya chick is self-serving.

However, that half-Somali chick helped

As well as this Ayan chick did help


They were all Somalis.
I raised $5k

They were Somalis bc it was a group of Somalis on Fb. A discussion group, a private group. They helped me a lot.

I also harassed Somali social media big names to post it on their wall for me. Some were xaasids who claim to be all about Somalis but are opportunistic in real life.

That Hodan Naleya chick is self-serving.

However, that half-Somali chick helped

As well as this Ayan chick did help

Nice. What half-Somali chick? Do you mean that chick from Canada aka Anita that appeared as a guest in SS?
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