Dutch Safety Board's chilling conclusion about flight MH-17

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
It's just unbelievable how the West and specially Holland is utterly scared of officially blaming Russia when it is open knowledge that they were behind it.

At the same time can you imagine if it was a third world country that've done that? Best believe there would've been immediate action upon that country.

Just goes to show that there is no justice in this world, it's all about power.


Two irrational belligerents too afraid to fight each other so they do it by proxy - a tried and tested strategy which has been serving them well for decades. Ukraine's sovereignty means nothing to either party.

Do you think Russia was testing these BUK's out on a random plane or that there is something larger at play?


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Two irrational belligerents too afraid to fight each other so they do it by proxy - a tried and tested strategy which has been serving them well for decades. Ukraine's sovereignty means nothing to either party.

Do you think Russia was testing these BUK's out on a random plane or that there is something larger at play?
Something larger that we are too maskiins to know ..but Allah has endowed us with intellect and these are mere humans although they have achieved great scientific and technology capabilities we can still use our intellect to know their game play


Instead of making up crackpot theories why don't you just admit the small eyes men can't fly a plane:mjpls:Asians eyes are so close together they might as well be sleeping:mjlaugh:


We are really maskiins, we are completely ignorant and we accept the smoke screens as factual. I think they're planning a nuclear war.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Shamis ..before this nuclear apocalypse can I just have one child with you ..ileen mershani wa lagu kale tagayaayee..let's do it :banderas:..it'll be quick


menace, does you brain ever get enough oxygenated blood? Your boners are robbing you of your potential.


Have have a lot of potential but your bodily functions take over a little too often.

Back to the topic at hand.

How can the world punish Russia for its aggressions against Syria and Ukraine without the vodka psychos starting World War 300?


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Have have a lot of potential but your bodily functions take over a little too often.

Back to the topic at hand.

How can the world punish Russia for its aggressions against Syria and Ukraine without the vodka psychos starting World War 300?

Honestly I am all for inaay gaaladu isku marato...for far too long thru have pilaged the lands of the have-nots..I am watching this as a spectator


They won't stop that pillage even if they come out at a loss because they function on racial hierarchy and don't want the have nots to gain power via selling/using their own resources to develop. As soon as these resource rich nations gain peace and a political structure, they'll start the demonising-protesting-eliminating cycle all over again if they don't sell cheap. I'm getting sick of seeing perfectly good buildings demolished in London and new one's put in place knowing full well that the construction material was sold at a loss from a country where everyone lives a hand to mouth existence.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
They won't stop that pillage even if they come out at a loss because they function on racial hierarchy and don't want the have nots to gain power via selling/using their own resources to develop. As soon as these resource rich nations gain peace and a political structure, they'll start the demonising-protesting-eliminating cycle all over again if they don't sell cheap. I'm getting sick of seeing perfectly good buildings demolished in London and new one's put in place knowing full well that the construction material was sold at a loss from a country where everyone lives a hand to mouth existence.

Horta la soco that empires come and go, today's oppressor is tomorrows oppressed..waxana Allah ba ka masuula and that Allah sees the injustice committed by these advanced nations...I assure you that a beast is rising from the East and he might be 20x worse


The Chinese? Oh boy oh boy Americans owe them a lot of money and they will want something other than stupid dollars in exchange for the years of selling hardware to the greedy Americans. Im grateful that Africa is on good terms with the Chinese and other Asians.
It sounds all too convenient for just about anything bad that happens can be blamed on the Russians or the Muslims in today's world. As a Muslim I can't say I am at all too upset that Russia is the scapegoat this time.

What motive would Russia have in doing this?


@syntax Hyperbole and hysteria is what I'm known for at home. Its safer than assuming the best case scenario - less shock for the old ticker.

Metamorphosis - I can only assume that they're testing anti aircraft weaponry for free against a poorly armed nation. Russians are known for being cheap and belligerent.
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