East African Oil - Maps and Prospects

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East Africa’s Great Rift includes four rift systems that promise to hold significant deposits of oil. Africa Oil Corporation has been exploring and drilling here, and prepared a report that includes a number of excellent maps and graphics of seismic data.


Four major rift systems in East Africa.


Four key rifts;
Tertiary Rift
Cretaceous Rift
Jurassic Rift
Permo-Triassic Rift

Tertiary Rift: runs through Uganda Kenya Ethiopia


Tertiary Rift Uganda Kenya Ethiopia: Tullow's Uganda discoveries now at 2.5+ billion barrels of reserves. Tertiary rift in Kenya/Ethiopia contains the same source and reservoir system as Uganda as confirmed by Leperot discovery by Shell in 1992.

Cretaceous Rift: runs through Sudan Kenya Mali


Cretaceous Rift Kenya Mali Sudan: Over 6 billion barrels of oil discovered on trend in the analogous system in Sudan. Thick oil stained section in the 1980s vintage Amoco/Total wells confirms hydrocarbon system.

Jurassic Rift: crosses to include Yemen and the Puntland region of Somalia.


Jurassic Rift Yemen & Somalia: Prolific, proven play in Yemen expected to extend into Puntland, which shares a common geologic history. Yemen fields produce from high quality Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs and source rocks. Numerous oil shows from wells drilled by previous operators confirm Jurassic source rock.

Permian Triassic Rift: crosses the sea from Ethiopia through southern Somalia to Madagascar.


Permo-Triassic Rift Ethiopia Madagascar: Multi-TCF gas reserves have been discovered in Triassic sandstones. Light oil has been tested in fractured Jurassic carbonates. El Kuran field discovered by Tenneco in the 1970s confirmed oil and gas in both systems.

Dharoor Block in detail.


Block 10A in Kenya where they are beginning to drill.


A map of East Africa suggesting the underlying petroleum system.


These are the local totals for potential barrels of oil that Africa Oil Corporation expects to be able to recover from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Puntland in Somalia.

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Why just Puntland? Why didn't they look into the rest of Somalia?

Either way, it looks like Somalia has the most oil if an area as small as Puntland has more oil than entire countries in the region. Too bad no one wants to go there.
Might one of them was checked only water came out:lolbron:

Extracting oil is not cheap, some corporations operating in PL and Mogadishu's offshore reserve are newly formed companies. They can't afford expensive methods of coordinating where the reserves are so they tend to extract it using cheap ineffective methods.
Why just Puntland? Why didn't they look into the rest of Somalia?

Either way, it looks like Somalia has the most oil if an area as small as Puntland has more oil than entire countries in the region. Too bad no one wants to go there.

The oil and uranium are in the desert in north but south is rich with oil at the our offshore.
I heard about that. The Kenyattis are watching us with thirst.

That's why I believe the Kenyan's are using the Somali Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed, to get rid off all the Somalis in NEP and declaring them refugees in order for them to get hold of the vast Cretaceous Rift in Kenya.
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