Egyptian woman killed for discouraging haram and advising her friends to not have boyfriends

Allegedly, a poor teenager was killed by her friends who put pesticides all over her food to kill her because she advised them to not engage in haram, she forbid the evil a responsibility on all of us Muslims, and her demonic shaytaan "friends" killed her.

My Allah grant her jannah and patience to her love one's.

"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:104]

How could you say that was honour killing lmao they had 0 sharaf, what sharaf was there to preserve
Honor killing acts both ways, when you tell someone that they're hoes and they kill you out of pseudo-self-respect/ego then its honor killing, as they perceive your words as degrading to their honor.
Was you butt raped by an arab as a young one? How can you be so mentally enslaved.
Ayrabs are 99% bottom so your point is invalid... I can open a tinder account now and fuckk as many @yrabs as I want 3x a day.. what you talking about? You defending such all-buttom folks? I'd fuckk all of them out of disgust and superiority complex were I a gay.. but we're recruiting gay Somalist so they can do their job of laying down alla 'em even MBS to the utmost..

Chad shaheed. I hope she goes to heaven.
Ameen, honestly as a parent you should be proud to have instilled the deen into your child they will advice towards halal and away haram as Allah required of us even whilst with friendship groups with peer pressure

She tried to stray them away from Jahanam and towards Jannah, they pushed her InShAllah to Jannah as she was advocating for the deen as a martyr❤️
Ayrabs are 99% bottom so your point is invalid... I can open a tinder account now and fuckk as many @yrabs as I want 3x a day.. what you talking about? You defending such all-buttom folks? I'd fuckk all of them out of disgust and superiority complex were I a gay.. but we're recruiting gay Somalist so they can do their job of laying down alla 'em even MBS to the utmost..

Astagfirullah what in the gay has gotten into you