This 1 hour and 35 minute segment was packed with a lot of historical fact checking but this 1 excerpt describing the economic/labor policies of the Nazi party stood out to me the most.

When you start to unpack all the political and ideological posturing people make (especially on the right ) which is used to boister up support, at the core of this is a political/industrial elite trying to preserve their own power and wealth monopoly and prevent it from being redistributed.
It's twisted logic when Elon Musk @58:00 minute mark begins to define the ''Woke Mind Virus'' as anti-meritocratic. When him being a billionaire is one of the most anti-meritocratic things. He does the least amount of work, hogs all of the wealth and takes credit for other (mostly nameless) people's production and inventions/designs. Mistreats and exploits his workers and laborers. Pays them 30% less than the average UAW automakers. There is nothing about him that's merit based, i don't even have to bring up his privileged upbringing.
In another weird twist of logic he thinks letting workers unionize creates ''Lords and peasants'' .
When he is himself is accused of operating much like a feudal lord in his active war against labour movements and trade unions world wide.
Elon Musk says letting workers unionize creates 'lords and peasants'. What?
Susanna Gideonsson, president of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, said: “What grinds our gears is that a large corporation thinks it can come here and set the rules on the Swedish labor market. To think you can waltz in here as a feudal lord and think a whole country should adapt to one’s whims is just wrong.”
In reality Unions are important for a healthy functional democratic and economic system. They play a critical role in developing and defending democracy.
Unions are not only good for workers, they're good for communities and for democracy
High unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being
We know that unions promote economic equality and build worker power, helping workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.
But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.
Elon Musk and his Nazi/Feudal ilk's are actually doing more to ruin the so called ''Western Civilization'' than they are trying to lead people to believe.
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