Disgusting, it looks like he's trying to hide his mismanagements/political blunders by using muslims as a scapegoat, making up issues such as "islamo leftism" and using it to surpress muslims even further (a group that's already been heavily targeted at in recent years)
all in order to save his political career, when the french government should be making strides to better their muslim inhabitants.
French Muslims are in a tough position if their election goes down to him vs marine le pen
i highly doubt she will win, the right wing under her is fragmented and is not as strong as it seems. Recently she’s even faced criticisms that she is too soft on her policies against Muslims, a government official even mocked her for this after she defended the french right for liberty of religion. Lmao Imagine Le Pen being the defender of muslims. What I believe is going to happen is that La Pen will eventually step down for her much more popular niece Marion Maréchal who appeals to a more centrist right audience. In an effort to curb the growing extreme support the french government would eventually shift further right and appeal to La Pens toxic group. I suppose this is the product of PR, you’ll always get a pragmatic government that has a lack of beliefs.Disgusting, it looks like he's trying to hide his mismanagements/political blunders by using muslims as a scapegoat, making up issues such as "islamo leftism" and using it to surpress muslims even further (a group that's already been heavily targeted at in recent years)
all in order to save his political career, when the french government should be making strides to better their muslim inhabitants.
French Muslims are in a tough position if their election goes down to him vs marine le pen
No one knows what it means but it gets the people goingWhat does this even mean?