End of times signs

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Thawdan (RAT) narrated "Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‘Imminently, there will come a time when the nations gather against you, just as people gather around a feast.’ A man said, ‘Will it be because we are few at that time, O Allah’s Messenger?’ He responded, ‘No, you will be numerous in those times, but you will be as useless as the scum of the sea, and Allah will remove the fear that your enemies used to posses from you from their chests, and He will place al-Wahn in your hearts’, it was said, ‘What is al-Wahn?’, he responded, ‘Love of life, and hatred of death.’” [Ahmad, Abu Dawud]

Among the signs of the Hour mentioned in the hadith Sahih al-Bukhari is: “When the destitute (al-buhm) camelherds compete in building tall structures.”

So Arabs competing in building tall buildings is the sign of the hour. This is a recent phenomenon and a bit of research would confirm that Arabia was almost completely deserts a few decades ago.

When you see Mecca, its mountain with holes (pierced through them), and its buildings reach its mountain tops, then as-Sa’ah (the Hour) has already cast its shadow.


The buildings have surpassed the mountain tops in Mekkah!

Other signs include;

1. People will leave prayer.

2. People will usurp Ama’naat (trust).

3. Lying will become an Art.

4. There will be murders on the slightest of disagreements

5. Interest(riba/usury)will become common.

6. There will be very tall buildings

7 People will sell religion for the world.

8. People will treat relatives badly

9 Justice will become a rarity

10 Lies will be considered truth

11. Clothes will be of silk

12. Persecution will become common

13. Divorces will become common

14. Sudden deaths will increase.

15. The usurper of Ama’naat (trust) will be considered honest and honorable.

16. The keeper of Ama’naat (trust) will be called an usurper of things given to him for safekeeping

17. Liars will be thought of as honest

18. Honest people will be thought of as liars

19. False accusations will become the norm.

20. It will be hot in spite of rain.

21. Instead of wishing for children, people will pray that they not have children

22. People from bad backgrounds and with bad upbringing will live a life of luxury (material, not peaceful).

23. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world

24. Previously good people will also usurp Ama’naat (trust).

25. Leaders will become persecutors.

26. Ulema(scholars) and Qaris(reciters of thr Qur'an) will commit adultery.

27. People will wear clothes of animal skin.

28. But their hearts will smell and will be dead.

29. And will be bitter.

30. Gold will become common.

31. Demand for silver will increase.

32. Sin will increase.

33. Peace will become rare.

34. Ayaats(verses) from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become.

35. Mosques will be decorated.

36. And will have tall Minars.

37. But hearts will be empty.

38. Alcoholic drinks will be consumed.

39. Punishments ordered by the Shariah will be revoked and will not longer be implemented.

40. Women will order their mother around.

41. People who are with Unclad feet, Unclad bodies and against religion will become kings.

42. Women will trade along with men.

43. Women will imitate men.

44. Men will imitate women.

45. People will swear by things other than Allah and the Quran.

46. Even Muslims will be prepared to give false testimony, without being incited to it.

47. Only people one knows will be greeted with the salaam.

48. The knowledge of the Shariah will be used to earn worldly things.

49. Acts, which earn the Akhirah(hereafter), will be used to earn the world.

50. Assets belonging to the nation will be considered and treated as personal treasures by the rulers.

51. Ama’naat will be considered ones personal asset.

52. Zakaat will be considered as a penalty.

53. The lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader.

54. People will not obey their fathers.

55. And will mistreat their mothers.

56. And will not hold back from harming their friends.

57. And will obey their wives.

58. And the voices of the men who commit adultery will be raised in mosques.

59. Women who sing will be treated with great deference.

60. Instruments of music will be kept with great care.

61. Alcohol will be drunk on the highways.

62. People will be proud of their acts of persecution.

63. Justice will be sold in the courts.

64. The number of men in the police force will increase.

65. Instead of music, the Quran will be used to gain pleasure for its tune and style (qirat), not for what it preaches, its meaning or for rewards in the Akhirah.

66. Animal fur will be used.

67. The last of the Ummat will curse those before them (clearly seen today in people who call the Prophet’s companion’s names).

68. Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you.

69. Or Earthquakes.

70. Or your faces will be changed.

71. Or a rain of rocks from the skies. Asteroids? Meteors.

72. Lies will become a habit of the rulers and the rich.

The Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wa Alehi Wassallam also said:

1. Alcohol will be called Sherbat and will be considered Halal.

2. Interest will be called Trade and will be considered Halal.

3. Brides will be called Gifts and will be considered Halal.

4. Women will be Unclad in spite of wearing dresses.

This Hadith has baffled the Ulema for a very long time until now:

The three kind of Unclad women are:

1. Those who wear see-through dresses.

2. Those who wear tight dresses.

3. Those whose dresses are so short and they expose the body.

Women will have hair, like the hump of a camel. (This hadith too, bad baffled the Ulema for quite a long time till they saw current hairstyles. I believe it came into fashion about 10 years ago).


Camel hump style hijab

Another sign is man will be talking to metal but he won't be crazy. Telephones? Sirri? You tell me.

Dajjals vehicle was described as a white giant donkey with long ears. Some of the ulama say this refers to airplane, Allah knows best.

Remember at the time of the Sahaba (RA) if they were literally told what some of these things where then they will not be able to understand it, because they've never seen the likes of it.


The fact that women would be clothed yet naked is an astonishing one. No one would of imagined something like that 1400 years ago. Even the gaalo and yahuud women would not wear revealing clothes.


major signs are

1. The coming of Imam Mahdi
2. The coming of the Dajjal
3. The coming of Isa ibn Maryan (Jesus son of Mary)
4. Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog)
5. Thick smoke
6. The appearance of the beast
7. The fire from Yemen that will gather people
8. The swallowing up of the earth
9. The sun rising from the west

Note: These are not in chronological orders.

Some people say all the minor signs have happened.


On Hiatus
Thanks for the reminder. But alhamdulillah, some of the signs like the Euphrates drying up or there being 50 women for every 1 man haven't happened yet.


Thanks for the reminder. But alhamdulillah, some of the signs like the Euphrates drying up or there being 50 women for every 1 man haven't happened yet.
It's not Euphrates drying up walaalshaay, it's the Sea of Galilee and that is quickly drying up. 50 women for 1 guy could be interpreted in different ways, the percentage of impotent men is sky rocketing, the amount of men dying in wars, the amount of men that are over 60, the amount of men that cannot afford to get married if you take all these things in to account then it should be plausible. It could also mean in a literal sense because scientists have discovered that the Y chromosome is weakening.


Obviously we won't go extinct though.


On Hiatus

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Soon the river "Euphrates" will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it." Al-A'raj narrated from Abii Huraira that the Prophet said the same but he said, "It (Euphrates) will uncover a mountain of gold (under it)."


The Book of Afflictions and the End of the World

Hadith Number: 235

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour would not come before the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, for which people would fight. Ninety-nine out of each one hundred would die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would be the one who would be saved (and thus possess this gold).


The Book of Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour

Hadith Number: 6918

But yeah, this is kind of scary. I know every generation thinks that they're living in the end of times, but we could potentially face that in our lifetime.



But yeah, this is kind of scary. I know every generation thinks that they're living in the end of times, but we could potentially face that in our lifetime.

I didn't know Euphrates drying up is one of the signs but I knew the fact that it will disclose a mountain of gold as one of the signs. Turns out that it will only disclose the mountain of gold after it dries up. Some scholars predicted when the end of times will be and it correlates with our time in the Hijra calendar. Allah knows best.

Abu Huraira narrated that Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The time is approaching when the Euphrates (River) will recede revealing a treasure of gold. Whoever is present there should not take away anything from it." (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

Subhanallah the two hadiths are in Al-Sahiihayn, Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

I've learnt something new from you, thank you. :)
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