Ethiopia HIV war on Somaliland

War is not conducted on a physical level sometime but the most sinister ones are on bio or chemical war. What Ethiopia plan to do to Somaliland is to make it radioactive center area for HIV or Aids. For instance there orom of Ethiopia are the ones that are hiv positive. The lack of medical center are also accounted for in Somaliland due to african politics . Now how aidtopia plans to take over Somaliland is by sending over it population with hiv and get the wiping out the landers that way. The settlers in America had done the same thing to native america now there is no native america in america. The problem is each Somaliland family has a orom in there house who is hiv positive and the orom won't disclose there hiv are aids medical records.
18% of orom have hiv aids, which is 4 out of ten people have hiv aid in aidtopia.

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Sxb once someone contracts hiv they will negative on all hiv test for 6 month. afterward there body will start showing signs and blood work will also conform it. hiv turns to aids in less than two years in additional 3 years that person will die due to aids. This not some thing Landers should take light. for there own safety they need to send these people back.

