Ethiopia invades Somaliland border town (Wajale) and harrasses civilians

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Jan 29th, 2017

Liyuu Police Member wounded during clashes with Somaliland police

Wajale– Somaliland Police have captured the member of paramilitary police known as the Liyuu Police after a clear violation to the border between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

The liyuu police were robbing innocent civilians after Somaliland police acted and intervened without hesitation.

Member of Liyuu Police was injured in the exchange of fire during the clashes.

Somaliland authority handed over the two members of the Liyuu Police who were caught red-handed after it established contacts with Ethiopian authority.

The incident occurred in the border town of Wajale according to reports.
Lol @ invasion

Just some hungry soldiers who haven't been payed by their government. I guess DDSI isn't doing as great as I thought.
The TPLF are a smart bunch, upset about the UAE deal, but stretched too thin to fight themselves, so what's the best way to destabilise S/land ? Use Somali against Somali, perfect strategy, you reduce the numbers of Somali's on both sides that could one day rise up against you, while sowing more hatred.

They have been doing this for over 2 decades now, brilliant strategy, but the ignoramus keep falling for it, but what else can you do when the Tigray sends his wild rabies infested dogs at you, other then kill them?

Yesterday it used S/land P/land in it's war against ONLF, today it's using Liyuu police against them, if you didn't stand up for your brothers yesterday, don't cry when he comes after you tomorrow.


Your superior
The TPLF are a smart bunch, upset about the UAE deal, but stretched too thin to fight themselves, so what's the best way to destabilise S/land ? Use Somali against Somali, perfect strategy, you reduce the numbers of Somali's on both sides that could one day rise up against you, while sowing more hatred.

They have been doing this for over 2 decades now, brilliant strategy, but the ignoramus keep falling for it, but what else can you do when the Tigray sends his wild rabies infested dogs at you, other then kill them?

Yesterday it used S/land P/land in it's war against ONLF, today it's using Liyuu police against them, if you didn't stand up for your brothers yesterday, don't cry when he comes after you tomorrow.

Remember it also used your folk against onlf and ahlu suna killed the onlf commander.
So any updates on the invasion? How deep in have they penetrated? Hopefully they haven't reached the renowned town of Bohol, those Ethiopians have another thing coming if they meet those famous SY Warriors known for taking no enemies alive.
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