Ethiopia to export Somali Galbeed gas by 2019

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:jcoleno::kendrickcry: What are the chances of us uniting and building an anti-xabashi missile system within the 13 months ?:mjcry:

Not going to happen. We can't even unite against Al Shabab and we dobt have an army. Ethiopia is about to get super rich, Arab rich, from our gas alone.

We could have prevented this if weren't so divided. Shame on you qabiilist Somalis.

Qabilism is promoted by Ethiopia to keep us divided and achieve these results. I wonder what the Qabilists will be saying when the Ethiopian flag is hoisted over Hergeisa, Mugadishu, Kismayo, Galkayo etc

And before you say that will never happen, 30- 40 years ago this gas venture would of been unimaginable.

If we continue down this path the Somali people will become stateless like the Kurds and Palestinians:mjkkk:.


how do i use this
Qabilism is promoted by Ethiopia to keep us divided and achieve these results. I wonder what the Qabilists will be saying when the Ethiopian flag is hoisted over Hergeisa, Mugadishu, Kismayo, Galkayo etc

And before you say that will never happen, 30- 40 years ago this gas venture would of been unimaginable.

If we continue down this path the Somali people will become stateless like the Kurds and Palestinians:mjkkk:.
might aswell learn swahili and amhara in advance


might aswell learn swahili and amhara in advance


If this ever happens I'm wiping the dust of my good old suicide vest and joining Al shabaab, no way would I live under an occupation and watch our muzlim brothers just tweet #FreeSomalia and get on with with my day like Palestinians

I agree. We would all fight to our deaths.
And soon enough, the ICJ will give Kenya our sea full of oil and gas, but my qabiil is still better than ur qabiil and that's all that matters to me :manny:
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