Ethiopian Atmis in Baydhabo start returning back to Ethiopia.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
I want to see the breakdown of the ATMIS pullout. 3,000 in September. Most of Middle Shabelle is vacated now
I just hope a civil war don't break our after they leave. Shabaab ain't even a problem.

If every qabiil makes macawiisley shabaab wont survive. But the worst case is we go back to 91.


I just hope a civil war don't break our after they leave. Shabaab ain't even a problem.

If every qabiil makes macawiisley shabaab wont survive. But the worst case is we go back to 91.
I support everyone having macawiisley. But we need to have every weapon registered. We should have a 2nd amendment type protection. That way we’ll never have a leader over stay their welcome