Ethiopian PM Desalegn: We have no intention of recognizing Somaliland

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I didn't say the galbeed belong to Ethiopia and I've already said many times I'm not well enough informed on that part of the region and history to give a final comment. The Galbeed is not an immediate concern of Somalia anyhow as Somalia has greater issues that it should address. You even have SL wanting to separate and so much division among a people who all speak the same language and have the same culture...working on fixing that first before wanting to colonize Ethiopia (and by the way, that poster said "somalize the horn(meaning the non-Somali areas of Ethiopia) not take back the Galbeed).

If you are not well-versed then don't make ridiculous comments such as "are they not capable of rescuing themselves" doofaryahay uraysa.


Garxaajis Slayer
Stop lying saying Somalia is all breaking up, SL secession is slowly dying so I'm not too concerned about them, the problem in galbeed is that the Ethiopian government (that u support) is doing crimes against humanity against the Somali region, for u to just brush it of to say that it's none of my concern and I should only worry about somalia is really stupid and it confirms the true dangers u ppl (specifically amhaara) are to Somalis.
Don't speak for SL hutu boy


Stop lying saying Somalia is all breaking up, SL secession is slowly dying so I'm not too concerned about them, the problem in galbeed is that the Ethiopian government (that u support) is doing crimes against humanity against the Somali region, for u to just brush it of to say that it's none of my concern and I should only worry about somalia is really stupid and it confirms the true dangers u ppl (specifically amhaara) are to Somalis.
:what1::what1::what1: What you just said makes no sense at all.
First of all, I never said I fully support our government...I said I don't support a regime change. There's a difference. It's the most logical thing for the current regime to stay due to all the reasons I mentioned then BUT that does not mean I will ever support human right abuses or hurting innocent civilians. I am NOT brushing it off...I already said I disavow all of that (that said, the reality is most African countries are corrupt and have governments that act like this tbh, it's not unique to Ethiopia). In addition, "crimes against humanity" are being done to more regions than the Somali region...why are you pretending that the government only targets them??? And why do you keep specifying the Amhara?? They are not even in power, in fact some of them were joining the Oromos in protest against the government (more Amharas probably protested the government than the Somalis in Ethiopia, so quit trying to making it appear like Amharas are somehow living in luxury while the Ogadenis are suffering).
Don't speak for SL hutu boy
iska aamus nacasyee, ur clueless, just keep om eating ur mirqaan and let us salvage wut ever little dignity thats left in u


Garxaajis Slayer
Then it shows that clan division can overpower linguistic unity.
If Somalia can't unite, how can Ethiopia itself unite when we have 80+ ethnic groups...there will probably be ethnic division. There are already many groups who feel some time of way about having Amharic as an official language. Pride, competition, and resentment are keeping us backwards tbh... and if Somalia and Ethiopia can't deal with these individual problems, how will the Horn be expected to (since it depends on the cooperation of those two)?
As much as I'd love to see us united and helping each other, I have doubts sometimes.
Somalis will never unite so Ethios don't even have to worry.Majority of the people in forum use these Somaliweyn fantasies as a way to escape the relaity of their situations back in their land like Al Shabab,Famines,Piracy and Foreign Troops.

Ethiopia will remain a major force in the Horn whether the Woyane stay in power or the Oromos surprisingly overthrow the current govt.SL and Djoubiti will never join Somalia and Isaaq/Dir territories in Galbeed/Hawd would rather join SL/Djoubiti then join the monkeys in S.Somalia
Somalis will never unite so Ethios don't even have to worry.Majority of the people in forum use these Somaliweyn fantasies as a way to escape the relaity of their situations back in their land like Al Shabab,Famines,Piracy and Foreign Troops.

Ethiopia will remain a major force in the Horn whether the Woyane stay in power or the Oromos surprisingly overthrow the current govt.SL and Djoubiti will never join Somalia and Isaaq/Dir territories in Galbeed/Hawd would rather join SL/Djoubiti then join the monkeys in S.Somalia
stop just stop
You have to love the sovereignty of Allah and the sunnah of our religion

This is what happens when you seek acceptance/pleasures from the kufar against your own brethren

Every single one of you gets humiliated as a result in some form or another publicly


It's all so tiresome
Then it shows that clan division can overpower linguistic unity.
If Somalia can't unite, how can Ethiopia itself unite when we have 80+ ethnic groups...there will probably be ethnic division. There are already many groups who feel some time of way about having Amharic as an official language. Pride, competition, and resentment are keeping us backwards tbh... and if Somalia and Ethiopia can't deal with these individual problems, how will the Horn be expected to (since it depends on the cooperation of those two)?
As much as I'd love to see us united and helping each other, I have doubts sometimes.

It won't work if they used Amharic or any of the other local languages. It will only work if there was a long term project to create a new language and gradually seep it into the culture and the newer generations over time. Sure it will take half a century but I can't think of anything else that will help us avoid the future conflicts that will hamper the Horn's development. It's just a far out idea but the only think I can think of apart from powerful authoritative regime that makes sure that these divisions's effect are kept at a minimum.


Garxaajis Slayer
Ur embarrassing urself sxb, just stop pls, the Ethipian PM already spit in ur face today and ur still kissing his ass, even tho rest of Somalis see thru his BS, u adamantly follow him like a .
You are an Amisom colony and yet you have the nerve to talk about others :mjlol:

Forget about SL,Ethiopia,Djoubiti iyo Galbeed/Hawd.Focus on just having peace in your war ravaged capital aka "City of the Apes".Wasn't it this week were a minister was shot dead by another ministers bodyguards :chrisfreshhah:

Failed state :susp:
You are an Amisom colony and yet you have the nerve to talk about others :mjlol:

Forget about SL,Ethiopia,Djoubiti iyo Galbeed/Hawd.Focus on just having peace in your war ravaged capital aka "City of the Apes".Wasn't it this week were a minister was shot dead by another ministers bodyguards :chrisfreshhah:

Failed state :susp:
just shut up


It won't work if they used Amharic or any of the other local languages. It will only work if there was a long term project to create a new language and gradually seep it into the culture and the newer generations over time. Sure it will take half a century but I can't think of anything else that will help us avoid the future conflicts that will hamper the Horn's development. It's just a far out idea but the only think I can think of apart from powerful authoritative regime that makes sure that these divisions's effect are kept at a minimum.
Yes, I think there is too much resentment against Amharic lol. I would support a new language where we mix some of the languages together to make a mother of all languages and yes, I also agree that it'll take a long long time but it's better late than never.
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