Ethiopian writer loses his cool.

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:damnmusic:I enjoy reading Ethiopian content in English. Especially how crazy contributors can get in the articles they post.

What are some of your favourite Ethiopian news and English blogs?

Here's the excerpt and source:
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the lies, damned lies and statislies The World Bank publishes on Ethiopia.


In my January 2015 commentary, “World Bank-ruptcy in Ethiopia”, I condemned the World Bank for lying about the so-called “Ethiopia Protection of Basic Services Project (PBS)” it financed which directly supported the “Ethiopian Government’s Villagization Program in Gambella Region.” The World Bank gave money to the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (T-TPLF) to forcibly remove the Anuak Indigenous People in Gambella, Western Ethiopia, so that their fertile ancestral land could be given away for pennies to fly-by-night investors. The World Bank pled plausible deniability in the T-TPLF’s displacement and deracination of the of the Anuak people. In 2012, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a 115-page damning investigative report entitled “ ‘WAITING HERE FOR DEATH’: Displacement and ‘Villagization’ in Ethiopia’s Gambella Region”, documenting the crimes against humanity committed by the T-TPLF using World Bank and other funds provided by the gang of international poverty pimps who call themselves the “Development Assistance Group” (DAG).


Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
If you want insider stuff.

They seem to have well placed sources
but some of the important articles are in their language tho :childplease:. So I scroll to the comments and I can generally get the main idea piecing together their broken English comments.:damnmusic: I'm always 10 steps a head of Tigray spies and we all should be.
If you want insider stuff.

They seem to have well placed sources
but some of the important articles are in their language tho :childplease:. So I scroll to the comments and I can generally get the main idea piecing together their broken English comments.:damnmusic: I'm always 10 steps a head of Tigray spies and we all should be.
If you want insider stuff.

They seem to have well placed sources
but some of the important articles are in their language tho :childplease:. So I scroll to the comments and I can generally get the main idea piecing together their broken English comments.:damnmusic: I'm always 10 steps a head of Tigray spies and we all should be.
That's my nigga

Make Ahmed gurey proud!!

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
That's my nigga
View attachment 11435
Make Ahmed gurey proud!!
It's only fair we get our turn to rule. Not calling for a take over but fair recognition in representation for the Muslim communities. We should hold higher offices in gov posts at federal level and they know it to were more qualified we got Tigray Generals in the army with 5th grade education lol :drakelaugh:. Numbers don't lie when you look at corruption and tribalism in the gov how the hell you have 99 percent Tigray top brass officers and generals when Nevermind I could go on:snoop:.. no matter how much they can inflate the progress they know what will happen if they don't go peacefully. If anybody told you g7 or any rebel group has a chance they lied and might be:sitdown: The real anger and :z1banet:power is coming from my community which the Greater Muslim communities in general. Don't get me started on diaspora I know Christian Muslim both want change but 50-50 on how far they'll go but they do $upport.
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