Ethiopians celebrate the life of Castro while Somalis remember an enemy

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I'd say that's a mischaracterization. He's surprisingly viewed in a good light from what I've seen, esp on here.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
the Soviets are the real reason they won, if it was just the Cubans and Ethopians they probably would've been crushed

The Soviets airlift of tanks, artillery, and small arms to Ethiopia was only dwarfed by their airlift to the Arabs during the Yom Kippur war.

Along with 20k Cuban troops and Russian generals/special forces and the American refusal to resupply Somali troops because of the limp wristed peanut farmer, we were screwed.
The Soviets airlift of tanks, artillery, and small arms to Ethiopia was only dwarfed by their airlift to the Arabs during the Yom Kippur war.

Along with 20k Cuban troops and Russian generals/special forces and the American refusal to resupply Somali troops because of the limp wristed peanut farmer, we were screwed.

That's why even though they lost I'm still very impressed at their resilience that all of those people had to take them on at once . And they had a much higher casualty rate too :banderas:

the Soviets are the real reason they won, if it was just the Cubans and Ethopians they probably would've been crushed

The reality is Somalia was defeated by Cuba and Soviet Union. You have to accept this fact because nobody can change it.

the Soviets are the real reason they won, if it was just the Cubans and Ethopians they probably would've been crushed

The reality is Somalia was defeated by Cuba and Soviet Union. You have to accept this fact because nobody can change it.

luis1 from somnet?
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