Ethiopia's GDP Falls to the lowest point after Currency Devaluation

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Kenya is done the president ruto is owned by forigen nationals and recently tried to sell the nations primary air port to a Indian billionaire convicted of fraud

Imagine there are some folks in the rich neighborhoods driving around in Mercedes Benz like they live in a wealthy Atlanta suburb while most people have seen there standard of living decrease and there taxes increase while there kids can’t get a good job even with a college degree

Somalia in the future should take notes this is what happens when you sell your nation to the highest bidder and the CCP always come to collect


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
So this means less development for the Somali region. Tough. They were doing some good stuff for our somaliweyn future trade partners,
It's probably lower than $100 billion since the orginal $200 billion was also way off. But even if we accept the $100 billion that means they have a gdp per capita of $917 dollars to our $771 in 2024 according to the imf. But in all likleyhood there gdp is lower than $917. If we went with the $80 billion we mentioned befofe they would have a gdp per capita of $733 which is less than us.


May Allah continue to break the backs of the African Crusader🤲.

If only we had a proper government or liberation front, can't blame anyone but ourselves for that.