Nope, they should be completely dismantled, they dont even have a right to exist as a state. Greedy losers they are.They should go and ask Kenya instead
Whatever happens, I hope for the one that damages the ethiopian government the most, and leads to the peaceful split of all the 'oppressed' groups in this cursed band of nationAbiy is delusional. He is a deluded evangelical who is close with zionists. He had claimed his mother dreamed of him becoming a king and while the country crumbles around him he sends his officials out to claim Somali waters in front of the media.
If he survives long enough to attempt it Somalis will certainly destroy him. He is deluded by his Israeli and UAE backers, he has militias taking town after town and surrounding the capital.
I think he will be deposed before he can ever attempt to get near Somali waters.