Europe's crusade against Islam continues

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I don't know about Germany's policies with religion and state facilities. If they're similar to the United States, than I don't see the comparison to hanging crosses on the building's walls paid by taxpayers to what an employee is wearing on their body.

According to this article -

  • In June, a Muslim law trainee won the right to wear a headscarf to work when a court ruled that there was no legal basis for the state of Bavaria to prevent her from doing so.

  • Last year, Germany’s Constitutional Court lifted a ban on female Muslim teachers wearing headscarves as long as it doesn’t lead to “disruption” at school.

So, if this is true and the facts are that Germany has similar laws about religion and state like the U.S, than the mayor is wrong and hopefully she sue's them.

@waraabe Two wrongs don't make a right. Also, don't act like minorities have rights in some Muslim countries.
I don't know about Germany's policies with religion and state facilities. If they're similar to the United States, than I don't see the comparison to hanging crosses on the building's walls paid by taxpayers to what an employee is wearing on their body.

According to this article -

  • In June, a Muslim law trainee won the right to wear a headscarf to work when a court ruled that there was no legal basis for the state of Bavaria to prevent her from doing so.

  • Last year, Germany’s Constitutional Court lifted a ban on female Muslim teachers wearing headscarves as long as it doesn’t lead to “disruption” at school.

So, if this is true and the facts are that Germany has similar laws about religion and state like the U.S, than the mayor is wrong and hopefully she sue's them.

@waraabe Two wrongs don't make a right. Also, don't act like minorities have rights in some Muslim countries.

Good. I hope she sues. I can remember way back when france banned scarfs in schools and some girls just shaved their heads.
i don't see you being outraged by the opposite happening in countries like iran and saudiarabia where none muslims are forced to cover up in head scarves (or even killed in the case of apostates). miss me with your selective outrage. if you want to live in christian countries, learn to live by their rules. thats like a white man coming to somalia and wanting rights as a christian. Y'all would lose your shit.

It was a long time ago.

Back then I was outraged as a child but now I am pleased

Why are you pleased though? I can understand where it might be a safety issue, but why are you against it where it is not a safety issue and it is just a form of adherence to religious dress codes?
Are you against hijab or all religious clothing?
Why are you pleased though? I can understand where it might be a safety issue, but why are you against it where it is not a safety issue and it is just a form of adherence to religious dress codes?
Are you against hijab or all religious clothing?

I am not against the hijab but I am pleased to see the humiliation of Muslims.
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