Every country's major export in 2016

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Tunisia be exporting terrorists that pledge allegiance to Abu-Bakr Al-Fagdhadi.


Germany is running a giant export scam.

It led Greece and Italy join the euro so the currency would fall a lot over time, which only increases German export dominance.
All jokes aside

I'd only use somali oil to build infrastructure and defence
I don't want it going the way of Russia or the future Saudi Arabia
It's better to open up manufacturing plants and export that shit
I can't wait to see when African countries start manufacturing finished goods.

Plants are moving west from China to Vietnam and Indonesia to cut down on shipping and labour. As these markets grow and get more expensive to manufacture Africa will be primed up to export finished goods at lower costs.
Somalia ann. import/export (millions) Livestock export value: $350 - $400 Khat import value (RP): $400 - $450 Trade deficit = $50 million
I can't wait to see when African countries start manufacturing finished goods.

Plants are moving west from China to Vietnam and Indonesia to cut down on shipping and labour. As these markets grow and get more expensive to manufacture Africa will be primed up to export finished goods at lower costs.

"With domestic labor costs rising, many Asian manufacturing producers are now looking to relocate their factories in other regions of the world. Could Africa replace Asia and/or China as the world's next manufacturing hub?
To be sure, Africa has a number of manufacturing advantages that it has yet to realize. Besides low labor costs and abundant resources, these include duty-free and quota-free access to U.S. and EU markets for light manufactures under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and the Cotonou Agreement.
Is this enough to offset Sub-Saharan Africa's generally low labor productivity relative to that of its Asian competitors?
Yes, if Africa can implement appropriate supportive policies to leverage its opportunities soon. This is the finding from a recent book by a team of World Bank economists. China dominates the global export market in light manufacturing, and its competitive edge far exceeds that of low income exporters that recently entered the global market. But steeply rising costs of land, regulatory compliance, and especially labor in China's coastal export manufacturing centers have begun to erode the latter's cost advantage, a trend likely to accelerate in the coming years.
The ongoing redistribution of cost advantages in labor-intensive manufacturing presents an opportunity for Sub-Saharan Africa to start producing many light manufactures, enhance private investment and create millions of jobs."


If they only stop fighting about small individual gains and focus more on the much bigger collective gains.


Huur = Horus
Camel Milk industry is recently becoming popular and Somalia produces the highest amount of Camel Milk. But it can't be exported because we don't have proper facilities [Link].

"The name "Somali" is, in turn, held to be derived from the words soo and maal, which together mean "go and milk" — a reference to the ubiquitous pastoralism of the Somali people." [Link]

U.A.E has recently got into the Camel milk trend and is expected to dominate this market


Australia with its relativity small camel population (camels are considered pests down under and are being culled) are also getting into this industry. In

Australia 1 Litre of Camel Milk can cost up to $26-30

Camel Milk industry is recently becoming popular and Somalia produces the highest amount of Camel Milk. But it can't be exported because we don't have proper facilities [Link].

"The name "Somali" is, in turn, held to be derived from the words soo and maal, which together mean "go and milk" — a reference to the ubiquitous pastoralism of the Somali people." [Link]

U.A.E has recently got into the Camel milk trend and is expected to dominate this market


Australia with its relativity small camel population (camels are considered pests down under and are being culled) are also getting into this industry. In

Australia 1 Litre of Camel Milk can cost up to $26-30


Older Somali's including many African's don't understand Value Added products.

If you take strawberries and turn them into Jam: Value added.
Camel milk into cheese: Value Added
Camel Hide into Bags: Value Added

Somali millennials from the despora just need to raise capital to get open facilities like this in Dubai.

But, when you have people exporting female camels with male camel its a fucking problem.
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