Every Home In Mogadishu Ordered To Provide 25Kg Of Food

Wtf are these people lunatics. This is the kind of shit that starts city wide riots and people will burn down govt buildings.
That would only help ykw to get to power. Not the right moment. Unless they wanna piss on their cereal
Good thing the oil money takes years. If not decades. They will leave if they’re not getting paid to stay. After their funds dry
Yeah nobody's gonna see any oil money for at least another 3- 5 years and even then it'll take a decade for production to ramp up to the point that it can be be the main revenue stream for the govt.
That USAID really gone lol, on a worrisome note though this is pure extortion of the already destitute common folk, the FGS’s corruption has reached that level, ceebta aduunka.
I can't believe we're hearing about this in the 21st century. This is the type of thing you read in old history books. All because the government wasted money on corruption.

Does anyone know what will happen if families cannot afford to provide this? Assuming it's true of course.

