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I don't have a main aggravator. I'm basically miss negative pants. I always imagine everything going negatively. I need to quit it though because negative thoughts usually result to negative lol This is not caadi - I have a negative response handy for every situation, I can't keep this up or I'll eat my remaining positivity alive. What's your main aggravator? Mine is politics both world and personal.
Yes! I know what you mean - you can't do as well when you're talking the situation down all the time. Youth was brilliant - back to back achievements and gold stars, now the reward is food and rent money and I just don't feel nearly as motivated.
@Carré Bro I need your help. I've become a middle aged battle axe and I need an exit strategy. I always see the negatives these days, my mind is not full of butterflies and flowery meadows like it once was. How do I get out of this hole I've dug myself into unwittingly?
It started when I started suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. I imagine the worst in everything.
LOOOOL wow you even made going on holiday seem negative.