Excessive bitterness

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@Carré Bro I need your help. I've become a middle aged battle axe and I need an exit strategy. I always see the negatives these days, my mind is not full of butterflies and flowery meadows like it once was. How do I get out of this hole I've dug myself into unwittingly?


Join the club. :axvmm9o:

lol lol This is not caadi - I have a negative response handy for every situation, I can't keep this up or I'll eat my remaining positivity alive. What's your main aggravator? Mine is politics both world and personal.


lol lol This is not caadi - I have a negative response handy for every situation, I can't keep this up or I'll eat my remaining positivity alive. What's your main aggravator? Mine is politics both world and personal.
I don't have a main aggravator. I'm basically miss negative pants. I always imagine everything going negatively. I need to quit it though because negative thoughts usually result to negative outcome. :axvmm9o:


Yes! I know what you mean - you can't do as well when you're talking the situation down all the time. Youth was brilliant - back to back achievements and gold stars, now the reward is food and rent money and I just don't feel nearly as motivated.


Yes! I know what you mean - you can't do as well when you're talking the situation down all the time. Youth was brilliant - back to back achievements and gold stars, now the reward is food and rent money and I just don't feel nearly as motivated.

The thought of having good amount of money in your account after paying rent and buying groceries should motivate you more. That way you can save up for your future or go on holiday, go shopping, go out etc. Even with motivation I always think negative and talk every sittuation down.


Holidays are always too hot, too many poor people harassing/begging, crappy food unless you know exactly where to go, boring resorts, people ripping you off. I need a new planet wallahi.

Yes I need to be more imaginative and save for something I'll appreciate and savour. I love clothes but London is cat central :( everyone looks the same.

Why do you think you talk everything down? Do you know when it started? Maybe its one bad day that seeped into everything.


It started when I started suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. I imagine the worst in everything.

LOOOOL wow you even made going on holiday seem negative. :ftw9nwa:
@Carré Bro I need your help. I've become a middle aged battle axe and I need an exit strategy. I always see the negatives these days, my mind is not full of butterflies and flowery meadows like it once was. How do I get out of this hole I've dug myself into unwittingly?

Have you perhaps reflected back on to yourself, and thought of the reasons that may have caused this? Take 5 mins right now, step away from your keyboard, and think about it.


It started when I started suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. I imagine the worst in everything.

LOOOOL wow you even made going on holiday seem negative. :ftw9nwa:

I hope you're finding ways to cope. Is it getting better?

Holidays suck, especially in countries with an inadequate police force.
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