@Gucci mane Get ready I’m gonna send the invite
Lemme know when u good I got work to do put I can play you few games quickly lolI'm updating the tables now, anyone free for the next hour?
@Gucci mane especially shout me anytime youre free today, sorted out the EA server
@Gucci mane jew goal again
I need to play you and @Figo. Update my score against Ferrari, 2-1 and 5-1 win for me both games.@Figo @Southerner @Enlightenednomad i'm free from 10pm to Midnight (UK time), gonna do a fifa marathon, the league is lost for me so imma need that 4th spot
Am I the only one who has played 6 games so far? Y’all started playing on Saturday or Sunday how do I have more games than some of y’all?
Y’all need to make this quick. 4 games a day isn’t even much we should be into knock outs already.
I'm getting on if he's not ready, my psn is abdi topaYou free now?
I'm getting on if he's not ready, my psn is abdi topa
Just added you, its maestro