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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Inaalilaah waa inaa ilayhi raajucun. Is this what its come down to. Tolaaay oo tolaaayeeey:drakewtf::holeup::jcoleno::what::wtf: ....Faaraxs on that makeup challenge ahahha:russ::siilaanyosmile:



"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Those battyboys, have the audacity to threaten us about taking our xalimos. What sort of blasphemous fuckery is this:O27GWRK:


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
The things people do for likes. :snoop:

What on earth were they thinking do ya reckon? Get a nookie from one of'em cute girls who were giving them the face paint? Loool nacalaaa. The things we do for S11L
What on earth were they thinking do ya reckon? Get a nookie from one of'em cute girls who were give the face paints? Loool nacalaaa. The things we do for S11L
They ain't getting any siil doing that. Probably have their DMs filled with AbdiJohnsons by now.:mjlol:
they look good with the eyebrows, if i were them I'd do my eyerbows or get them shaped or tattood or something because it really made a difference on their faces.
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loooooooooolll haha funny bastards. its good that they aren't insecure though, I would do this as a dare. :drakelaugh::mjlol:


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Looool I dont know why but we have always had this knack of making fun of ourselves. I think its what sets us apart from other Africans. I doubt there are any other black/african/Black American lads who could do this and get away with it.

Still, I would fucking lock them up those two boys in a room and would not feed them for a week. Saqajaamiin walaahi testosterone drought ridden bastards


On the real, to me they seem secure af. And it's just a one time thing.

It doesn't ruin or take jack squat from their masculinity, in my opinion.

But for variety's sake, @ChickenOriental Come check out these dayuuths, fam :siilaanyolaugh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Niggas like this that make these girls think niggas like me tweak eyebrows and shit

i know where this conspiracy is coming from now


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
All the faaraxs on SSpot are constantly looking for a way to squeeze in a humble-brag about how attractive they are. Naga daa, bliis stob.

none of that is complimentary tbh

like that shit was lowkey insults and a half but i let it all slide
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