Faarax Murtile gives the middle finger to Somaliland region and says he is a Puntlander

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Make Hobyo Great Again
I cancelled him a few weeks ago.
I always thought he was OG with the way I've seen him waving the Ethiopian flag. There was even a few lines about him beating his wife in Yaryaro. So he was HJ all this time?!
But he's officially uncancelled now.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Faraax be like my HJ father was a member of SSDF. Wheres that isaq nigga that claimed he loves Abdullahi Yusuf more than his mum :drakelaugh:
Wallahi everything I wrote yesterday was all Kaftan, I was actually laughing whilst I wrote it as well.


Waar kuwani waa qoti, they don't know kaftan walahi, they will believe whatever you say, they will even quote you and say remember when you said 'this'. :drakewtf:
Waar kuwani waa qoti, they don't know kaftan walahi, they will believe whatever you say, they will even quote you and say remember when you said 'this'. :drakewtf:

Walaal, I come on to this site to laugh and crack jokes most times. Even if some of them take it serious, if I know it was a joke that's all that matters Miyaad ii fahamtaa?

Plus anyone who actually believed that I love AY more than my beloved Hooyo is dense, and shouldn't be taken serious.
Looool but I actually enjoyed that Puntland Anthem I posted, I ended up listening to it quite a few times yesterday. I jumped straight into a 2 step, straight grooving, who knew MJs went in like this for their beloved PL state. @Abdalla I was screaming "Dal udug" as if it was my own state.


All I need to do now is shukaansi a MJ qalaanjo qoor dheer and I'm blessed, preferably Maxamuud Salebaan because I'm trying to eat gooooooood.

Malab & Saliid, what more can a man ask for
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