Faisal Ali Warabe is in Colombia representing his party at a socialist summit

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Not your typical Farah
Next door in Venezuela the people are suffering from bad socialist policies. The country only has $10 billion left in its treasury which it will run out of soon defaulting. Total Economic Collapse!


Yup. It's another Socialist country that is depended on oil and the government had it's hands on everything. With all those Socialist polices and having a country that is 95.2% literate -- you would think those educated minds would create companies and compete in the global market. But, those who were smarter left the country for the U.S. In 2015, Venezuela was the murder capital, SMH.

By the way Sweden is not a "socialist" country.


Not your typical Farah
I don't know why he's hanging out with Latin American Socialists. That evil Socialism should never be praised or welcomed in any society. Also, Sweden is not a "socialist" country by 1900's standards.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. 20% of the worlds oil is there

Look at Venezuela, that's the true face of socialism
I don't know why he's hanging out with Latin American Socialists. That evil Socialism should never be praised or welcomed in any society. Also, Sweden is not a "socialist" country by 1900's standards.

It includes socialist parties from around the world. Most countries are represented. It's an international summit and is held in different countries every year.
We will get ictiraaf by all means necessary :fittytousand:
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