Damage your rep? How? Please enlighten us with this.There is this that use to call me cousin and stuff always asking me to protect her from "southerners" since basically we
were the only Isaaqs in the area back in the days, but I find out behind the smiles she was trying to damage my rep.
foqol . I have learned my lesson never be nice to es.
The creature spread rumors that I smoke and do other stuff(which is false) I have never smoked in my life. I actually felt sorry for
the creature, cutting her loose for good. It will be funny when I see her in May 18, I'd be like naayahe do I know you why you
@Mckenzie There was a organization dominated by southerners, but somehow she had beef with the southerners but the southerners
respected me that is how she was under my protection and she even use to brag about hey look his my cousin when we are
with the southerners Lol. Now I found out was spreading her legs for the block and spreading falsehood against me.