Farax gives nasiha to his followers on whether they should participate in the BLM protests

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
He is a terrible communicator but I concur with what he’s trying to say.

for me, I see BLM as a hypocritical. You got blacks killing blacks like they in a civil war. You don’t protest about that. There’s no rage. The black men refuses to better himself in the land of plenty. These are the people who shop from Arab convenience store where he always places poison in his aisle for them ( high sugar food, alcohol and cigarettes). They have kids with each other with no strings attached. Fatherless kids make up 88% of them. They rob and kill ruthlessly.
He’s right
I know what he’s trying to say, but his reasoning and his wording is retarded.

these people are uneducated wallahi. Imagine the Prophet (SAW) told Bilal (RA) that the wudu he does is more important than his current enslavement? The idiots are saying obvious truths out loud and forgetting the fact THAT YOU CAN DO BOTH!

This is why people turn away from Islam. When we have braindead Langaabs chatting shit on their lunch breaks. Their too lazy and useless to do multiple things at once. These people have a binary view if everything, similar to a group that kill Ali ibn Abi Tahlib (RA). Never is there nuance on matter or politics. It’s one all the time.

