Farmaajo could be inpeached once parliament resumes

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It seems that once the parliament resumes soon, farmaajo could be impeached if he can not come with a convincing information regarding the qalbi dhagax issue.

Farmaajo had a wide support in both houses ( national assembly and senate), but it now seems even the pro government mp's like zakariye are demanding answers. There was already anti Farmaajo mp's and it will require atleast another 100 mps to kick the government.

I seriously support the impeachment of Farmaajo if he can not come out clean or convince us on what happened.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's was galmudug that arrested him general galaal fiqi and mahad salaad are behind this in order to sabotage the government and bring it to its knees so they can get rid of khayre and have a habar gidir prime minister.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The writing is on the wall as we speak ONLF guy is chilling in jigjiga with his cousin Mohamed ileys the president of DDSI

It's was galmudug that arrested him general galaal fiqi and mahad salaad are behind this in order to sabotage the government and bring it to its knees so they can get rid of khayre and have a habar gidir prime minister.
What matters is that Farmaajo had the last say and the veto, but he failed to do that.

So he has to face the consequences


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What matters is that Farmaajo had the last say and the veto, but he failed to do that.

So he has to face the consequences
Why didn't Hassan shiekh face any consequences when he went to jigjiga and declared DDSI belongs to Ethiopia?
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