Since farmaajo has been chosen ive had mixed feelings sometimes i think he is a nice soft guy but he has shown a very dangerous political side to him, got rid of Speaker, flipped Waare, strong armed the UAE, now according to intial reports got rid of shariif whos been in the game for a long time.
He also done what no current somali politician has done and has a strong poltical base with die hard fans.
He delivered/extradieted a somali war hero qalbidagax to a foreign country whivh would have been political sucide normally.
Under his administration there was outright attacks on his political opponents & blocked interfernece from neighbouring countries.
So what do you guys think is Farmaajo a genius or a flop.
He also done what no current somali politician has done and has a strong poltical base with die hard fans.
He delivered/extradieted a somali war hero qalbidagax to a foreign country whivh would have been political sucide normally.
Under his administration there was outright attacks on his political opponents & blocked interfernece from neighbouring countries.
So what do you guys think is Farmaajo a genius or a flop.