Fat boy @Adaawe praying to Allah for PL to destroy


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
The hate on this post is :kanyehmm:



North-West, London
I think @Adaawe is that brainwashed salafi boy grandpakhalif, who was on the CIA/FBI counter terrorism watch for a while because he wanted to leave america to travel to somalia and fight for al shabaab. :pachah1:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
He has a point. Mahamud Saleebaan dominance needs to end.

Reer Diini ruled for 21 years and give us taarikh for you to brag on. What has Maxamud Saleebaan given Darood in the last 30 years? Why should I a MX from Jubboyinka give a f*ck if they survive or not? I don't give a f*ck about anything past Gaalkacyo nor should they have influence in my region. Sue me.

Reer Diini ruled for 21 years and give us taarikh for you to brag on. What has Maxamud Saleebaan given Darood in the last 30 years? Why should I a MX from Jubboyinka give a f*ck if they survive or not? I don't give a f*ck about anything past Gaalkacyo nor should they have influence in my region. Sue me.

What tarikh?
Reer Diini ruled for 21 years and give us taarikh for you to brag on. What has Maxamud Saleebaan given Darood in the last 30 years? Why should I a MX from Jubboyinka give a f*ck if they survive or not? I don't give a f*ck about anything past Gaalkacyo nor should they have influence in my region. Sue me.

They've kept the name Darood alive for the last 25 years while the rest of Darood including your folks have been irrelevant.
Reer Diini ruled for 21 years and give us taarikh for you to brag on. What has Maxamud Saleebaan given Darood in the last 30 years? Why should I a MX from Jubboyinka give a f*ck if they survive or not? I don't give a f*ck about anything past Gaalkacyo nor should they have influence in my region. Sue me.

21 years of terror, bloodshed, massive corruptions, numerous failed policies which eventually led to the civil war and most of the problems we have today in the country.


National socialist
They've kept the name Darood alive for the last 25 years while the rest of Darood including your folks have been irrelevant.
They've actually destroyed Darood cohesion for the last 30 with divide and rule and isku dir without shedding any blood for it...SSC would be free right now if that was the case


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
They've actually destroyed Darood cohesion for the last 30 with divide and rule and isku dir without shedding any blood for it...SSC would be free right now if that was the case

Villa Garowe wants Majeerteenia to eat and nobody else.
