FGS is deceiving internationals


Isn't Puntland part of Somalia and the government in Mogadishu is the one that governs it ? No one can understand you. You want unity and independence at the same time :hmm:


True Puntlander
They are falsely portraying a sense of unity, using Puntland's logo in official documentation when Puntland is not in talking terms with them

Those soutie are the most corrupted goverment you will face.

They know we cut ties with them. Who told them they can use our logo!!!.

Who knows what else they used our logo for!!.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Rumour has Hassan purposely left foreign minister post and many other positions open for harti + puntland to get. To get them on board
Rumour has Hassan purposely left foreign minister post and many other positions open for harti + puntland to get. To get them on board
Gurguurte is planning to fast track ratifying the new hastily written constitution into law through this joke of a parliament then he will do a cabinet reshuffle by giving the foreign minister position to the brain of the damul jadiid mafia Farah Abdulkadir who is Sheikhaal and Interior minister to aaran jaan's fat boy Cali Xoosh who is from PL. Kooxda tuugada damul jadiid have now set their sights on the embassies under Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Waar ma dhergaan miyaa wuxuu?


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