Fifty Scholastic Observations Regarding The Muslim Brotherhood

Omar del Sur

I am kind of disappointed at myself... I thought I would be able to post the images on here so people could read the text... you have to click the links.... if you want to, you can, if you don't want to, I understand though I encourage people to study the text.... there are also videos explaining the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood

NasirAlHanbali has a whole playlist exposing them

I know the student of knowledge behind that channel and I know he's against them because he actually knows a lot about them

in any case, they are a deviant group. there's a lot to explain with them. you could write a whole series of books about this group. it is a masonic, deviant group and people should stay away from it. as a sidenote, they are also very closely linked with the shia.

Omar del Sur


Saudi Council of Senior Scholars: The Brotherhood is a terrorist group that does not represent the curriculum of Islam​

The Council of Senior Scholars confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group, which does not represent the curriculum of Islam, but rather pursues its partisan goals that are contrary to the guidance of our true religion, and that it conceals religion, and practices what contradicts it of discord, inciting sedition, violence and terrorism.

This came in a statement issued by the Council of Senior Scholars today, the text of which is as follows:​

“Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His servant, His Messenger, and His trustworthy, upon His revelation, and His elite among His creation, our Prophet, our Imam, and our Master Muhammad bin Abdullah, and upon his family and companions, and whoever follows his path and is guided by his guidance until the Day of Judgment.. Then:

God Almighty commanded unity on the truth and forbade division and disagreement, God Almighty said: “Those who divided their religion and were sects, you are not one of them in anything. God Almighty said: “And this is my straight path, so follow it, and do not follow the paths, for they will separate you from His path.
It is only to follow the straight path of God by holding fast to the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, drew a line with his hand, then said: “This is the path of God straight.” Then he drew to his right and left, then said: These paths have no path except that Satan calls upon him. Then he recited: “And this is my straight path, so follow it and do not Follow the paths, and they will separate you from His path.” Narrated by Imam Ahmad.

The great companion Abdullah bin Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, said in the Almighty’s saying: “Then follow him and do not follow paths, for they will obstruct you from his path,” and his saying: “Establish the religion and do not be divided in it.” And similar to this in the Qur’an, he said: God commanded the believers to unite, and forbid them to differ and separate. And he told them that those who were before them perished because of arguments and disputes in the religion of God.

And adherence to the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the way to please God and the basis for the unity of the word, the unity of the ranks, and the prevention of evils and temptations. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus God makes clear to you His verses so that you may be guided.

It was learned from this: that everything that affects the unity of the ranks around the rulers of Muslims, such as spreading likeness and ideas, or establishing groups with allegiance and organization, or otherwise, is forbidden by the meaning of the Qur’an and Sunnah. At the forefront of these groups against which we warn is the Muslim Brotherhood, for it is a deviant group, based on quarreling with the rulers, disobeying the rulers, stirring up strife in countries, destabilizing coexistence in the one nation, and describing Islamic societies as pre-Islamic. Nor with the sciences of the Book and the Sunnah, but its goal is to reach power, and then the history of this group was full of evils and temptations, and from its wombs emerged extremist terrorist groups that wreaked havoc in the country and people from what is known and scenes of violent crimes and terrorism around the world.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group that does not represent the curriculum of Islam, but rather pursues its partisan goals that are contrary to the guidance of our true religion, and that it conceals religion and practices what contradicts it of discord, incitement to sedition, violence and terrorism.

Everyone should beware of this group and not belong to it or sympathize with it.

We ask God to protect us all from all evil and persecution, and may God’s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.

Chairman of the Council of Senior Scholars
Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh
Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh Dr. Saleh bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan Saleh bin Muhammad Al-Luhaidan
Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah bin Hamid Abdullah bin Suleiman Al-Manea Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Turki
Dr. Saad bin Nasser Al-Shathri Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Mutlaq Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa
Muhammad bin Hassan Al Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al-Maj Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz College
Dr. Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Dr. Yaqoub bin Abdul-Wahhab Al-Bahasin Dr. Youssef bin Muhammad bin Saeed
Dr. Ghaleb bin Dr. Muhammad Hamzi Dr. Abdul Salam bin Abdullah Al-Sulaiman Dr. Jibril bin Muhammad Al-Busaili
Dr. Bandar bin Abdulaziz Balila Dr. Sami bin Muhammad Al-Saqeer


Forza Somalia!
This couldn't be more biased and pseudo-historical than this.
In regards to that, the father of MB wrote his books after the fall of the Khilafa and muslims becoming disunited. But this group have been used many times by others Egyptian politicians from Jamal Abdulnasir to Mubarak and the army.

Omar del Sur

As far as debate, I don't want to debate anyone. You reply, they reply, it goes on and on. I'm studying and I don't want to be distracted. This thread is for providing resources so people can research on their own.

To expand on the topic, I would like to mention Sheikh Madkhali and the term "Madkhali".

Sheikh Madkhali is a Salafi scholar from Saudi Arabia. He has been supported by Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Albaani, Sheikh Ibn Baz and Sheikh Uthaymeen. So if there is a Madkhali sect, I guess Sheikh Fawzan and the others I mentioned are all part of that sect.

Sheikh Madkhali refuted Sayyid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood. He has refuted them and so they hate Sheikh Madkhali.

Because Of This They Hate Shaykh Rabee ibn Hadi al-Madkhali​

What is a "Madkhali"? "Madkhali" is simply a derogatory term for a Muslim who refutes the Muslim Brotherhood. Either you support them or you're a "Madkhali".

This book is called The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah, the author is Sheikh Madkhali. The introduction is written by Sheikh Fawzan. I really recommend this book for anyone who may be reading this thread. It is a really good book. He utterly demolishes the Muslim Brotherhood ideology and when you see how badly he destroys it- you'll understand why they hate him so much.
